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Mayans MC: Adelita Is "Broken" and "Animalistic" In Season 3

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Mayans MC star Carla Baratta previews what's ahead for Adelita on the Sons of Anarchy spin-off.

There are a number of concerning things happening on Mayans MC Season 3, thus far. Whether it's the potential war brewing with the Sons of Anarchy, Miguel becoming unleashed after the death of his mother, to the Reyes family's internal strife. After the third episode, "Overreaching Don't Pay," though, there's a new piece of the story unfolding.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for the third episode of Mayans MC Season 3, "Overreaching Don't Pay." If you've yet to watch the episode, stop reading now.

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The final scene of the episode saw a reunion that, under almost any other circumstances, would theoretically be a happy one. However, Angel (Clayton Cardenas) and Adelita (Carla Baratta) haven't seen each other since the latter was taken into custody, after which she gave birth to their child and had it taken away by the government. Beyond having her own child ripped away from her, she's also been held captive in terrible conditions.

Due to all of that, it should come as no surprise that the Adelita sitting in Angel's living room now isn't the same person he last saw in Season 2. She's "a completely different and broken Adelita," Baratta told GameSpot. "We're going to find someone that doesn't even look human. She looks more like an animal. She has all these animalistic actions and she behaves in different ways than she used to behave."

It's a far cry from the restrained yet vicious leader of the Los Olvidados rebel group, who led an army of young people to rise up against the drug cartels.

"I think it's gonna be really difficult for her to find the strength and to get to that warrior that she always had and the other she lost with Los Olvidados and with her kid ripped from her," the actress said. "So I think we're going to find a completely broken soul. And it's going to be beautiful and hard to see a person going through all that she's going through and she's going through the whole season."

While this experience had surely hardened Adelita more than she was previously, it seems very likely that she will eventually come out on the other end of this more powerful--and hopefully, able to rebuild Los Olvidados into more than the crumbled group that it's become.

Until then, though, these "animalistic actions" Baratta speaks of could become very dangerous for those around her--and anyone who stands in her way.

Mayans MC airs Tuesdays on FX.

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Chris E. Hayner

Chris E. Hayner is Senior Editor at GameSpot, responsible for the site's entertainment content. Previously, he contributed to a number of outlets including The Hollywood Report, IGN, Mashable, CBS Interactive, Tribune Media, and Nerdist. Chris loves all movies, but especially Jaws and Paddington 2.

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