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Latest Pokemon Sword & Shield "Twilight Wings" Anime Features Best Girl Bea

Please put some of this content in-game, Nintendo!


Pokemon: Twilight Wings Episode 2 is now live and delivers another slice of heartwarming and wholesome content. In this episode titled "Training," Bea--the fighting type Stow-on-Side gym leader from Pokemon Sword--gets the spotlight.

Bea previously appeared in the first episode as a challenger to Leon. In this new episode, after her loss, Bea embarks on a training quest in the wild, bizarrely including physical combat with her Machamp as part of the regiment. The gym leader and her Pokemon end up trapped in a cave, and while there, her Machop, Machamp, and Machoke support her. One gives her a chocolate bar and all three of them save Bea from a crumbling exit.

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Twilight Wings is a seven-episode web series focused on the residents of the Galar region. Episodes are released monthly. If the first two episodes are anything to go by, it looks like each episode will focus on a single character. Here's to hoping that the incredibly cute Wooloo who made a cameo in the final minutes of the episode will get more screen time in future episodes.

In other Pokemon news, Pokemon Home is live. It's like a cloud storage for your Pokemon and allows you to transfer your monsters between games. You can also trade Pokemon with other players outside of the games. Read GameSpot's primer on Pokemon Home for everything you need to know about the service.

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