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Interactive Destiny 2 Trailer Helps You Catch Up On The Story Before Lightfall

Destiny 2 had a busy year after the Witch Queen expansion launched, but this trailer will help fill you in on what happened.


The last year has seen a lot of stuff happen in Destiny 2, as The Witch Queen expansion and subsequent seasons shook up the Solar system with big twists, wild story swerves, and major revelations. For anyone in need a quick and brief catchup, Bungie has uploaded a new trailer on its site that covers several of the major story beats of the last year and leading into Lightfall.

This is an interactive trailer as well and contains numerous snippets of information between each thread. Watching it will reveal more insight into the Witness, the return of former Cabal emperor Calus, and other events that were set in motion centuries ago during the rise and fall of humanity's Golden Age.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Lightfall | Strand Trailer

The final season of the current Witch Queen era, Season of the Seraph, has seen some major moments play out in Destiny 2. The final mission this week was a turning point for the game, as it involved Eramis almost gaining control of the Warmind satellites, Rasputin sacrificing itself to save humanity, and the Traveler seemingly attempting to abandon our species before it found its escape route cut off by the arrival of the Witness and their fleet of pyramid ships.

Even more changes are in store for Destiny 2 this year once Lightfall goes live on February 28, with a number of big overhauls planned for the technical side of the game. Bungie is aiming to make Destiny 2 feel more challenging, there are plans to shake up its seasonal model this year, and weapon crafting will see big updates implemented throughout 2023.

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