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Hi-Fi Rush Arcade Challenge Update Arrives In July

The new Hi-Fi Rush update includes two new challenge modes and a bunch of unlockable rewards.


Tango Gameworks has announced that the Hi-Fi Rush Arcade Challenge Update, which adds two new challenge modes to the rhythm action game, is releasing on July 5. The two new modes are BPM Rush and Power Up Tower Up, each with their own challenges and rewards to unlock.

Revealed during the Xbox Games Showcase Extended, the first challenge mode is called BPM Rush, which offers a high-speed challenge mode. In this mode, the BPM--which stands for beats per minute--constantly increases reaching a maximum of 200 BPM. As the BPM increases, you will have to perform moves and combos in-step with the faster beat, offering an intense challenge.

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The second mode, Power Up Tower Up, sees Chai lose all of his upgrades that were collected over the course of the main game. After defeating each wave of enemies in this mode, you get to pick a new power-up to get back, creating a unique roguelike mode. Some of the upgrades even come with negative side effects, and a risk/reward element.

These modes will include new, harder enemies to fight, and new companion abilities, like calling CNMN and Smidge in combat. There are plenty of new cosmetics to unlock, including looks for 808, shirts for Chai, and costumes for Korcisa. The update also includes a new photo mode, where you can take pictures of all your favorite characters and add stickers to the photos.

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