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Gut Reactions: Nintendo E3 Press Conference

The GameSpot editors chime in on the new Zelda, the 3DS, and more from Nintendo's E3 press conference.


Day one of E3 has officially started, and Nintendo kicked it off with a bang. Not only did we finally get to see the successor to the Nintendo DS in the Nintendo 3DS, but we got a glimpse of a brand new Legend of Zelda, a new Donkey Kong Country, and a new Kirby adventure. We also witnessed the grand return of Pit from Kid Icarus--just to name a few. How did it all go down with the GameSpot editorial team? Read on to find out.

Tom Mc Shea, Associate Editor

My gut reaction to Nintendo? Holy crap! It was like Nintendo looked into my mind and designed a show around my favorite things. Epic Mickey was the standout game for me. Yeah, from a gameplay perspective, it looks like an ordinary platformer. But the fact that you can alter the story, environment, and even the characters around you by the choices you make sounds incredible, and the artistic design was eye catching. And then there's Kirby's Epic Yarn (what an awesome name!), which just looked incredible and amazingly fun as well. As a longtime Donkey Kong Country fan, I was pumped to see another 2D iteration (made by Retro!) with the awesome music from the SNES classic.

And then there's The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. What can I say? I love the art, the controls look smooth (as long as there isn't interference), and the combat actually looks challenging and fun. I'm curious how the overworld and dungeon design will be, but I cannot wait until next year when this finally comes out.

The only negative is that they didn't show off many 3DS games, but the revival of Kid Icarus: Uprising looks fast and fun, so I'm really interested to see what's coming in the future. It's funny how negative I was when they announced the system, but now that it's a reality, I just want to play it.

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Sophia Tong, Associate Editor

Nintendo always has something I want. I just didn't think that it would have so many games I'd be looking forward to. I mean, sure, they're revisiting old franchises, but I absolutely loved Donkey Kong Country, and remember the day I got it for Christmas and played nonstop until the new year.

Kirby's always been as cute as can be, but now that the whole game is taking on that handmade LittleBigPlanet art style, I cannot wait to play the game for myself. I've always been into arts and crafts, so seeing the game come to life on a canvas is like mixing two of my favorite hobbies together.

There are so many great things to take away from the conference, such as The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Goldeneye 007…but one thing's for sure: I want a 3DS and I want Metal Gear Solid in 3D.

Shaun McInnis, Associate Editor

I'm still kind of startled by how much I enjoyed the Nintendo press conference. I've been pretty down on it over the past couple years, only recently dusting off my Wii after a long hibernation to play the stellar Super Mario Galaxy 2. (Figuratively, of course--it was boxed up in the closet free from dust.) But I'll admit, this was my favorite press conference of the show by a pretty sizable margin. The new Zelda game that uses MotionPlus really shows what an advantage Nintendo has over Move and Kinect with its ability to attach beloved franchises to new technologies. Kirby's Epic Yarn reminds me of Kirby: Canvas Curse--my favorite DS game--in all the right ways. Add to that Donkey Kong Country Returns, the exhaustive list of 3DS titles in the works (Metal Gear?!), and the twin role-playing game onslaught of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies, and the end result is my long-ignored inner Nintendo fan boy bursting to come out. But the best part of all: not a single word about the Vitality Sensor. Oh, Nintendo. I think I'm ready to love you all over again.

Justin Calvert, Senior Editor

I haven't played many Nintendo games in recent months, but after this year's E3 press conference (and given that I still have a sealed copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2 waiting for me at home), I think that's going to change going forward. There were so many things that impressed me at Nintendo this morning; I'm not even sure where to start. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Epic Mickey both looked like a lot of fun, and for the first time ever, I am legitimately excited for Kirby's Epic Yarn. I also can't wait to get my hands on that new version of Goldeneye 007.

I think perhaps what impressed me most about the Nintendo press conference, though, is the remarkable restraint that company shows even when unveiling a huge new game or a new piece of hardware, like today's 3DS. Nintendo doesn't need a fancy light show, it doesn't need celebrities, and it doesn't need to give attendees free hardware to guarantee applause at the end. Nintendo once again let its games do the talking, and at least from where I'm sitting, it had a lot of good things to say about the upcoming year.

Randolph Ramsay, Editor | GameSpot AU

Nintendo, I've missed you. Your last few E3 press conferences have been pretty hit and miss when it came to content that I actually cared about, but this year, nearly everything you showed had my geek juices bubbling. Kid Icarus: Uprising on the 3DS looked awesome, Donkey Kong Country Returns on the Wii will surely suck days out of my life, and Epic Mickey is looking better every time I see it. And what about Kirby's Epic Yarn? I've been hoping for the little pink ball of awesome to get his own full-fledged game on the Wii, and it's great that Nintendo is giving him the chance he deserves. The only slightly sour note could be the motion controls in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I'll have to reserve judgement until I get hands-on, but some of the Wii Sports-like controls worry me a little bit. But if anyone can make these types of motion controls work in an epic 15-hour-plus experience, it's Nintendo. Hopefully.

Brian Ekberg, Senior Editor

If that wasn't a home run, then Nintendo's E3 2010 press conference was definitely a triple with men in scoring position. For as many games that Nintendo showed today that hold absolutely zero interest for me, there's one or more that I can't wait to get my hands on. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, and Epic Mickey all look amazing (that Steamboat Willie level had me grinning with glee). And Kirby's Epic Yarn has perhaps become my most anticipated game of this show, which amazes me, considering I've never played a Kirby game before for any considerable length of time.

If the Nintendo press conference had ended with Donkey Kong Country Returns, I'd have still thought it was a great show. That they saved the best for last--the impressive unveiling of the Nintendo 3DS--put this over the top for me. Having stood in the snaking line for a long time in order to stand next to the pretty lady holding the pretty handheld system, I can say it was absolutely worth it. The top-screen 3D effect just simply works just as promised: no glasses required. The demo didn't feature actual gameplay (instead, it focused on still or lightly animated pictures), so I'm curious as to how games (and movies) will look in action. Nonetheless, Nintendo achieved exactly what you'd hope for with an E3 press conference: It made me want more.

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Giancarlo Varanini, Editor-at-Large

Outside of announcing a Wii HD (probably never going to happen, folks), Nintendo had the best E3 press conference you could hope for if you're a Nintendo fan. Still, what struck me the most about the whole thing was the fact that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword wasn't even the most noteworthy thing there. That's not because it wasn't impressive in some aspects--I definitely like the visual style since it's almost a mixture of light cel-shading from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker combined with the more realistic look from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. But since the presentation was mostly focused on controls (that we've known about) and not the overarching aspects of the game, the demo itself just wasn't all that exciting.

That being said, Nintendo countered with some really nice surprises that appeal directly to those who worry that Nintendo's abandoning its roots. Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns are both platformers, and they're both spectacular for different reasons. I love the visual style for Kirby (despite being worried that it almost looked too similar to the horrible Yoshi's Story, initially), and Donkey Kong Country looks exactly the way I would want an updated game in that series to look. Plus, it's being developed by Retro Studios--the company that did the impossible by making a full 3D Metroid work and work incredibly well. Oh yeah, and Epic Mickey? It's now one of my most anticipated games for the year. Lastly, for the 3DS, it's exciting to see such great support from developers already, and I'm interested to see just how well the technology works.

Guy Cocker, Editor | GameSpot UK

Nintendo definitely had an impressive E3 2010 showing. The Zelda demo may have been mired by technical issues, but the company soon hit back with a procession of AAA content. Wii games Epic Mickey, Goldeneye 007, and Donkey Kong Country Returns all struck a chord with the core audience, while Kirby's Epic Yarn was a quirky but charming concept.

But it was the Nintendo 3DS that everyone was waiting for, and Nintendo didn't disappoint. The hardware looked familiar but new, with impressive technology, such as the ability to take 3D photos. The demo of Kid Icarus: Uprising showed off great graphics, but it was the long list of publishing partners that really sealed the deal for me. DJ Hero 3D, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Resident Evil Revelations, Batman, Assassin's Creed Lost Legacy, Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle, Ridge Racer, and Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D - The Naked Sample games are all coming for the system--a formidable list of games that mean the console will be a day-one purchase for many.

In short, Nintendo just put its E3 booth at the top of most GameSpot editors' "must-visit" list.

Jane Douglas, Section Editor | GameSpot UK

A real crowd-pleaser from Nintendo. It will have a won a lot of goodwill back from those "core" gamers who've been feeling left out by the emphasis on the casual. Wii Party was completely overshadowed by Goldeneye 007 for the Wii, which looked impressive, and homecomings for Donkey Kong and Kirby. Kirby's Epic Yarn was really charming, so I can't wait to see more of that. And then the 3DS was as strong a finish as Nintendo could have hoped for, with that lineup of third parties on board to make 3DS titles (Resident Evil! Metal Gear Solid! Saints Row?!) and Kid Icarus looking spectacular. Even the two camera lenses on the lid for taking 3D photos is neat extra. The Nintendo booth is going to be swamped.

Andrew Park, Managing Editor

I was both impressed and surprised by what I figured, going in, would be the most predictable press conference at the show. Nintendo had some very, very promising-looking games for both the Wii and DS. I didn't get to try the 3DS myself, so I'm still on the fence there, and while Zelda and Metroid didn't make a great showing, Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns both looked terrific. I have to also say that it's really weird to watch a 2010 video game press conference where the most exciting games are, of all things, 2D side-scrollers. I'm also just really happy to see Kirby back in the saddle as the hero of his own game. That guy's great.

Kevin VanOrd, Editor

Nintendo didn't get off to the best start. Perhaps there was indeed lots of wireless interference, but regardless, I came away from the Zelda demonstration wondering: "Where's the fun?" Well, Nintendo did indeed bring the fun, and it overcame its iffy beginning by delivering one surprise after another, to the point where I was giddy with excitement, wondering what might be coming next. Consider this: The GoldenEye remake could have been a headliner, but instead, even that game was overshadowed by Kid Icarus: Uprising, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, and what could be a legitimate contender for my personal game of the show, Epic Mickey. As Tom Mc Shea is fond of pointing out to me, "It's Warren Spector!" Well, I am convinced Spector's still got the magic touch. Epic Mickey looks fun, it looks inventive, and it looks beautiful. More licensed games should take these kinds of chances.

Everything else was icing on the icing. I am not fully convinced yet that the 3DS will be amazing, but a number of important franchises will be landing on it. (Metal Gear, Ridge Racer, and… Saints Row: Drive-By?) Nevertheless, Nintendo had passion for what it presented and showed us what's most important: games. Good games. Games that matter. Games that look fun. That's the kind of press conference I can get behind. Score: 9.0. (Superb.)

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Laura Parker, Features Editor | GameSpot AU

Unlike other publishers that shall remain unnamed (rhymes with "Schmicrosoft") Nintendo really delivered this E3. No controller-free gimmicks, no wise-cracking celebrities, no remakes of 1980's handheld infrared-emitting targeting devices. Just a good old press conference (you know, like in the old days?) where people talked about video games. And pretty good ones at that. I think this was one of Nintendo's best E3 lineups, starting with the long-awaited new Zelda game for the Wii, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I was impressed with how the game controls on the Wii: Nintendo hasn't gone too crazy with the motion controls, allowing players to use both the nunchuk and Wii Remote with the Wii MotionPlus and making the whole thing actually look cool by assigning a sword and shield to the controllers, among other commands.

I was also impressed that Nintendo stuck to its guns and echoed last year's E3 press conference company line, which Miyamoto proclaimed to be something along the lines of the essence of good game design is a game that can be played by everyone. This tied in with a whole bunch of casual titles (Mario Sports Mix, Wii Party) and eventually led up to the most exciting announcements of the entire day: Donkey Kong Country Returns and an OMG totally cute Kirby game that involves yarn. Only Nintendo could pull that off, by the way, and by the looks of the trailer, it has well and truly surpassed itself in the cute-and-innovative-gameplay department.

I also look forward to Miyamoto and Iwata jumping out of my 3DS sometime in the future, as per the closing demo.

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Sony fan-boys are like Tea Party people they swear by something (Ex: Wii remote Is for 8 year-olds and 80 year-olds) but when some one they like does the same thing ( Ex: PS Move.) It's the best thing since slice bread.

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3ds! 3ds! 3ds! 3ds!

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i dont know if these brilliant titles will tear me away from child of eden, halo reach, limbo and risk factions; but i tell you what, nostalgia central! i was one of those guys playing goldeneye till ungodly times in the morning, donkeykong country till my thumb was raw, and kirby on my little bros gameboy. but OH MAN im getting a 3ds. well done nintendo! the first portable console i will ever own for longer than 6 months (my psp sold abruptly after non use) bring it on. and backwards compatibility? my other half has a sweet libary of ds games that i wont mind snatching off her from time to time...

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I have to say the Golden Eye announcement had me excited until it was followed up with Wii Exclusive. Again same reaction with Metroid. They did look impressive however and points scored for playing the "do you remember card"

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I have to say it again. Wow! If u can't find at least two things to love about Nintendo's showing, there is a real problem. I will be buying a 3DS, Kirby, DK Country,Goldeneye(freakin Goldeneye!!), Epic Mickey, etc... I have all three consoles, but my Wii is goin to get some more love in the near future. Prino out!

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Kid Icarus alone made this conference for me. Finally Nintendo stopped pandering to the casual crowd and seems to be focused on making games for people who actually play games. You know, like the people that made Nintendo rich and famous in the first place!

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Zelda! But outside of that I just can't take the 12 year old graphics in games. I can't say another mario game or Donkey Kong game that looks like a N64 graphic is gonna do it for me personally...

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They had a good show, no doubt about that. Really can't wait to see a 3DS up close and see if it's really that good. Movie downloads and an SD card slot has me interested already.

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Okay, so I'm at E3 and let me tell you, the new Zelda game's controls in the demo I played were amazing. The were so sleek and I cannot wait to buy this. And the 3DS is ridiculously awesome. I don't know how it is 3D, and it obviously good because all these third parties hopped on the train. 10/10.

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@kevyev Just wondering, have you ever played a game on the wii? Because twilight princess and Galaxy 2 are up there with dragon age as my favorite games of all time, and i'm not even counting the rock band games (made by a third party fyi)

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i really got surprised with the donkey kong country returns, because i was just talking to a friend of mine like 2 weeks ago, wouldn't it be cool if there was a donkey kong country remake, and there it is xD also some games that weren't announced on the e3 like zelda ocarina of time remake, super street fighter 4,and some other for the 3ds really have me excited

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Ah Nintendo is piggybacking off past successful games. Gotta love it.

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yeah nintendo owns e3 this year .

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Decessus: "I just don't understand the love fest that everyone is having with Nintendo's press conference." I don't know. Maybe it's something to do with the half-a-dozen awesome must-buy day-one-purchase titles that they announced? Least that's what got me excited. :D "...we all need to grow up." Says the sanctimonious jerk posting on a gaming site. LOL

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@Decessus, I agree, none stood out far above anyone else. MS spent too much time on Kinect, Nintendo was forced to trawl its back catalogue and remake some 2d games. Sony had some decent games but didnt really see any hardcore move games.

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I just don't understand the love fest that everyone is having with Nintendo's press conference. It wasn't terrible, but I personally didn't think it was that great either.Zelda looked decent but was marred by technical problems. Kirby looks like the equivalent of a coloring book. While fun when you're six, this isn't never-never land and eventually we all need to grow up. Donkey Kong Country Returns looks pretty much like the first Donkey Kong Country. And Goldeneye was fun in 1997 but compared to current FPS games it looks terrible.In my opinion none of the press conferences were that great. Sony probably had the "best" conference but only because someone has to be at the top and they at least showed a few games I would actually like to play. Microsoft is too busy trying to play catch up to the Wii which is why 90% of their conference was devoted to what most people would consider "casual" games. And Nintendo more or less abandoned the core gamer market when they created the Wii in the first place.

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surprising .... they have retake the surprise

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@345tom Yeah Halo is for adults. Maybe you'll all grow up someday but I doubt it. You're all stuck in the 80/90s. New games please Nintendo? thanks

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Congratulations Nintendo. It was a great show that surprised even me, the ultimate skeptic. ;)

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the price all we need is the price, is it worth buying or not ?!

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Nintendo owned this E3. I was so surprised. But happy, of course. :)

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no doubt, Nintendo is the winner this E3

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Grats to Nintendo on a strong showing. Surprises left right and center, and they were all good.

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I'm a Sony fanboy & I can easily say Nintendo just completely annihilated Microsoft & owned Sony. But I guess it depends if you're into the old school games.

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love the lil nintendo that could. C'mon sony and microsoft keep throwing those money bags at it.

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Nintendo had an awesome line up this year as well as Sony and Microsoft was ok but for me the winner is Nintendo followed by Sony

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regardless of how awesome nintendos conference was, when kevin butler came out at sonys conference and gave the rally speach, that was the best e3 moment

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Pretty much. They owned this year.

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@ hoysoy The problem is that since Nintendo has decided to use odd control schemes and old tired technology the only thing worth playing on their systems is Nintendo games. If they had some 3rd party support there would be something else to play on the wii. But they have decided to go cheap on their customers and all the quality 3rd party developers aren't making games for the wii. The only reason Nintendo hasn't folded when it comes to making hardware is because they have tapped into a market that does not care about quality and more about throwing their arms around. Sony and Microsoft has all the great games I like to play its true, but they would not survive without the 3rd party support. I hope one day Nintendo gets back to their roots so the 3rd party talent at least has the choice to join them again.

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I'm so excited for the 3DS. I have a feeling that nintendo didn't show off the 3DS in full yet, even though we did get to see it. I think that nintendo has another trick up their sleeve and i can't wait for it. I know that the 3DS is going to cause sony to scramble with their PSP. I just can't wait to see what sony tries to do with their PSP.....

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@ kevykev yeah, because those games are fun?? i love my halo, my killzone, my nextgen rpgs etc. but I also love these kinds of games because playing the same crap over and over online everyday gets boring too :\ some people like to switch it up you know. and technology??? its the same technology, video cards, cpu its all the same sht, on system just has more of it than the other..and in this case, nintendo doesnt really need that. I cant imagine a high def hyper realistic looking link or mario...real life mario would just be...disturbing... I Also believe that anything beyond the basic handheld single controller will always be gimmicky, I like the wii remote, and the the kinect and ps move looks cool too, but it all still feels gimmicky, just my opinion

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I am so terribly confused about the excitement for Nintendo. It's the same old tired Ocarina of time Zelda. It's the same old imprecise gimmicky Wii remote. It's the same old shovelware games. I grew up playing and loving Nintendo, but I have slowly left them where they remain, in the past. Nintendo I really hope some day you grow some balls and create impressive technology again so you can keep up with the talent that is actually making worth while games. So confused where all this excitement is coming from. Unless everyone here is 6 yrs old and enjoys flailing their arms around to dance games.

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Nintendo did a great job this year

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what the hell??, watch out NINTENTO is back!

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BEST!!!!! E3!!!!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!1!1!1!!!

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I admit it. Nintendo owned E3 this year...

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i can't remember a time when i was so excited about a video game the 3ds is going to kick ass.

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Nintendo owned E3 2010. While the competition were braggin on their takes on the Wii, Nintendo took out the guns and fired a whole spectrum of games (AND HARDWARE) at them.

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Nintendos showing was strong, to bad the Zelda game didn't go over to well.

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I have to say that Nintendo's 2010 showing is MUCH better than 2008 and 2009. Granted they've shown not so good looking games, such as Wii Party, Mario Sports Mix, and Just Dance 2. But Goldeneye, Kirby, Kid Icarus, Donkey Kong Country Returns (aka DKC4), and 3DS downright stole the show.

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Throughout the year I hear (and some times agree with) comentaries saying Nintendo is slacking of, no more great games, better to own a PS3 or 360 and so on... But in every E3 I fall in love with Nintendo all over again; last year it was Metroid and the two Mario titles. This year, I'm really looking forward to Kirby and Donkey Kong. I'll own a 3DS.

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Great showing by Nintendo, sticking with fun games and franchises I grew up with. I enjoyed the Sony/PS3 press conference as well, some cool games and concepts to look forward to, I cant wait til I actually see a 3D TV in action, and although their motion controller seemed almost identical to Wii motion +, the games they offered with motion controls were different enough to stand out, im looking forward to trying it out. I was disappointed by Microsoft/Xbox360s showing though, nothing excited me there and thats my most used system right now.

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Nintendo bought it this year, 3DS does look like worth buying the games seem fun. I can't believe Kirby and Donkey Kong are coming back very happy about this. Zelda looks great and can't wait for Metroid.

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I haven't bought a handheld since the original GBA, but with that lineup, led by Kid motherflipping Icarus, Nintendo has my money, I am definitely getting that. DKC is back? DKC is back? I heard the rumor but I didn't believe it would actually happen. Like Sophia, the second I heard that music, memories of Christmas day with DKC with my brother came rushing back. I cant wait to see more of that, Kirby, Goldeneye, Epic Mickey and Zelda, need I say more. The only thing that would have made it better is if I was there.

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As much as I love nintendo I really think I'm gonna love them more after this. It really shows that it was no mistake to buy a wii and the 3DS? Well I think it surpasses Nintendo's consoles in many ways. This is where Nintendo is strongest. They take the risks and companies follow. It may not work always but at least it brings forth innovation. No PSP2 showing? I can bet Sony was just waiting to see the 3DS and when they did see was probably like "well f**k!". My suggestion get a PS3 and Wii and a 3DS. I guarantee your gaming needs will be satisfied.

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IMO it's great Nintendo is making progress with both core and neglected IP's of current day and yesteryear. But is it just me or is it all just the same stuff redone? Where's the original content? I made a choice to support the Wii. I can only support one console financially and time wise. I truly regret my decision. I enjoy the games I own on it, but very little gets me super excited jumping out of my seat. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is great, but it's just an extension of the first huh? I'm sorry nintendo, but on the next round of consoles I'll buy Microsoft or Sony and rent or borrow anything Nintendo

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Nintendo really is the king of the year. Awesomeness.

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Avatar image for Berserker_2


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Nintendo lost me in 1995. It's great for families with little kids, but not for me.

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Avatar image for dannyburdess


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not saying this stuff doesn't look fun but its nothing new. Same old franchises, same gameplay with minor tweeks. Graphics are from 10 years ago. Not much as far as stories. I wish Nintendo would come up with a new IP or two that are more adult in nature (not necessarily blood & guts).

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