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Gran Turismo 7 Player Fights Against Reduced Rewards By Having The Game Play Itself

After Polyphony Digital lowered credit rewards for certain GT7 races, certain players are using an AFK credit-grinding script.


In response to the highly unpopular reduced payouts from certain Gran Turismo 7 races, players have created a way to hands-off earn credits without grinding in-game, and it involves not actually playing.

Credits are needed to purchase high-end cars in the shop, and by making it harder to earn free credits just through gameplay, Polyphony Digital incentivizes purchase of in-game credits with real money instead--a move GT7 players are unhappy with.

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Spotted by VGC, PSN Profile user Septomor posted a hands-off AFK script to farm credits. It's only usable with Windows and PS4 Remote Play for now, and the script essentially runs the same race with the same car over and over again without any user input.

GT7 also came under fire for an extended maintenance period. Explaining why the game was offline for so long, Polyphony Digital explained that it discovered a major bug "where the game would not start properly in some cases on product versions for the PS4 and PS5."

With the combination of reduced credit payouts from certain races and longer-than-expected maintenance, GT7's Metacritic score took a dive. Players are expressing their dissatisfaction with the recent in-game change by review-bombing the game. GT7's user score currently sits at 1.8.

In our Gran Turismo 7 review, Alex Goy scored it 8/10. He said, "It plays as close to driving a real car as you can get on a console, and much like shaving a few seconds off your commute, or playing on your favorite road in the real world, the game draws you in with challenges, physics, and luscious visuals."

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