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Gran Turismo 7 Copies Showing Up In The Wild As Amazon Sends Game Early To Some

But the game requires an internet connection so those who scored an early copy might not be able to play the game fully.


Multiple accounts have come in reporting that Amazon US is sending copies of Sony's Gran Turismo 7 to shoppers well in advance of racing game's March 4 release date.

VGC noticed that people on Twitter, Reddit, and the GTPlanet forum have said they've received copies of the game, or they are sent and on the way. You can see some of the documentation below.

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Gran Turismo 7 requires an internet connection for some elements, so even if anyone gets a copy early, they might face limitations regarding what's playable. Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi told Eurogamer that the game's online requirement is being implemented "to prevent cheating overall from people trying to modify the save data..."

Gran Turismo 7 was originally expected to release in 2021, but "critical aspects" of the game's development were impacted by COVID-19, so Sony pushed the game to 2022.

"GT7 has been impacted by COVID-related production challenges and therefore will shift from 2021 to 2022," a spokesperson said. "With the ongoing pandemic, it's a dynamic and changing situation and some critical aspects of game production have been slowed over the past several months."

Gran Turismo 7 is targeting 4K/60FPS on PS5. It is one of the many big games launching in March. One of the other high-profile releases is GTA V for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, which launches on March 15.

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