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Get a $50 Gift Card When You Buy an Xbox One (Which Is Already $50 Off)

This deal is only available for the next few hours.


Best Buy has just kicked off a four-hour sale where you can get a gift card with the purchase of an Xbox One. What makes this deal particularly noteworthy is that this gift card comes in addition to the ongoing $50 discount on all Xbox One bundles.

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To get the deal, simply pick the Xbox One bundle you want and add it to your cart along with the $50 gift card from this page. Bundles range in price from $300-$450 and include the Elite, Halo 5, and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition models.

Best Buy, like a number of other retailers, is currently selling the Xbox One for $50 less than usual. (The same is also true of PlayStation 4.) While the gift card can't go toward the purchase of the system, it's almost as good as cash, in which case this is almost like getting a brand-new system for as little as $250.

This deal is available from now until 1 PM PST / 4 PM EST.

If you're interested in an Xbox One and a TV, Best Buy has another offer you might be interested in.

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