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Game Of Thrones Star Lena Headey Cast In New Sci-Fi Thriller

Cersei Lannister is going to space.


In her first live-action TV role since Game of Thrones ended, Lena Headey will be playing Aster in upcoming sci-fi thriller Beacon 23 for AMC and Spectrum Originals, Entertainment Weekly reports. Headey will also executive produce the series alongside creator Zak Penn.

Beacon 23, based on the book of the same name by Hugh Howey, sees a mysterious woman named Aster finding her way to a lonely deep-space lighthouse helmed by beacon-keeper Halan. Tension grows between the two as Halan begins to doubt Aster's intentions. As a psychological thriller set in a lonely lighthouse, Beacon 23 looks to be a far cry from the sprawling cast and epic scope of Game of Thrones.

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"Lena Headey was a wonderful, versatile actress before she gave one of the defining performances in television history. So, as they say, 'no pressure,'" series creator Zak Penn said in a statement. "I'm thankful to all the people making this show possible, they just keep delivering beyond my expectations."

Since the end of Game of Thrones Headey has branched into voice work, having lent her voice to characters in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance and Infinity Train, and is also set to voice Evil-Lyn in Netflix's upcoming Masters Of The Universe reboot.

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