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Game Of Thrones Cameos Found In Attack On Titan Manga

Hajime Isayama is a noted Game of Thrones fan.


Chapter 96 of the Attack on Titan manga arrives this week, and it contains some pretty cool Game of Thrones cameos.

The author, Hajime Isayama, is known for being a Game of Thrones fan; last year, he did a 60-hour binge-watch of the hugely popular show. Now, Reddit user 420Ash has found several Titans in the manga's latest chapter that resemble popular Game of Thrones characters. Check them out below.

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Isayama is known for putting memes and other pop culture references in Attack on Titan, including using this Japan-specific meme as inspiration for the Chapter 96 cover.

The second season of the Attack on Titan anime recently aired, four years after the first season became a global hit. The third season is set to air in 2018.

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