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Fortnite Leak Claims More Naruto Skins, Including Hinata And Gaara, Are On The Way

A leaked image from Shonen Jump forms the basis of a new rumor.


Once again a multi-media collaboration with Fortnite has leaked. This time, the leak claims multiple new Naruto characters will make an appearance in the Battle Royale soon.

The leak comes from Twitter user Pepitochicken who shared a picture of a page reportedly from an issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. The page features images of Hinata, Gaara, Itachi, and Orichimaru from the popular franchise alongside the Fortnite logo and text announcing the collaboration. The image also includes the supposed start date of the crossover: June 24. The tweet has since been cross-posted on Reddit and across the internet.

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Further news has corroborated the leak, with popular Fortnite news curator and leaker ShiinaBR posting a banner image from a train in Japan. That image features the aforementioned characters, along with Naruto, posing around the Fortnite battle bus. The banner also calls the crossover event “Fortnite x Naruto: Rivals” and presents the same date: June 24. The branding makes sense, considering that Gaara and Itachi are prominent rivals of Naruto and Sasuke respectively. It’s a natural evolution of the previous collaboration.

This leak is part of a long line of rumored Fortnite skins and collaborations. Many of these rumors have come to fruition, including the original appearance of Naruto characters in the game last year. Only time will tell, but the appearance of these beloved characters in Fortnite is likely a safe bet.

Grace Benfell on Google+

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