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Fortnite Joy Ride Update Adds Cars And Trucks, Available Now

You can get your motor running in one of four new vehicles with a new Fortnite update, available now.


Fortnite's latest update makes the game a little more like a racer--or a certain other popular online game--with the addition of drivable cars. The update adds four new vehicles, and a trailer shows how they can be used for some wild battles.

There are four cars in all: the Islander Prevalent, Victor Motors Whiplash, OG Bear, and Titano Mudflap. You can find gas pumps or refillable gas cans around the island to keep your motor running and head out on the highway. Plus you can play music from your car using one of the new radio stations.

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Epic has been teasing the update with a look at some of the different cars and trucks, starting with the Whiplash. The options already run the gamut with a handful of road-ready racers, but the studio could always add more if the feature is a hit.

Meanwhile, the map in Fortnite recently revealed a new Atlantis-like area called Coral Castle. The game is also partnering with Marvel's Avengers to give out a few superheroic rewards by playing the beta. For even more on Fortnite, check out our latest challenge guide.

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