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Fortnite Is Giving Players More Time To Escape The Storm

After the Chapter 5 launch dramatically changed the feel of the game, Fortnite is making some balance tweaks.


Fortnite has made its first balance tweak since Chapter 5 Season 1 launched, introducing a small change that will make the storm easier to escape. The tweak comes in the wake of major changes to movement in the battle royale game, which were introduced in the new chapter's launch.

In a post to the Fortnite Status account on X, Epic Games revealed that it would be making small changes to the storm in response to player feedback saying it's been too difficult to escape since the launch of Chapter 5. The balance tweak now makes Storm Circles 1 and 2 take 20 seconds longer to close. The update added that the Fortnite team will continue to monitor data to see if future changes are needed.

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Now Playing: Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Launch Trailer

The launch of Fortnite's latest chapter has introduced many changes to the game, from the usual major map shake-up and new content to more controversial changes that have made Fortnite feel different to play. While Epic has said that it wants to leave time for the unpopular movement changes to settle in, it has also said it will listen to player feedback on the matter. For now, some players still don't seem to be enjoying the changes, with many comments on the Fortnite Status update asking Epic to revert movement back to its pre-Chapter 5 form.

Other elements added in Chapter 5 have been more popular with players, including a jacked version of Family Guy's Peter Griffin finally being added to the game, years after images of the popular character were found in the game's files.

As well as updates to the game's core batle royale mode, Epic is also adding a handful of new game experiences that will be available within Fortnite, including a Lego game, an arcade racer, and the Rock Band-style Fortnite Festival.

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