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Fortnite: How To Throw Fruit At Hunter's Haven

This challenge can be completed in just a few seconds. However, you have to know where to look for the fruit.


Fortnite has launched its Season 5, Week 13 challenges, and one of the goofier ones tasks you with throwing fruit at Hunter's Haven. It sounds like a simple enough task, and it is once you know where you need to go. However, not knowing the location of the fruit could make it difficult, as several other tasks are at Hunter's Haven this week and you could get ambushed. Here's how to complete it quickly.

Once you'd jumped out of the Battle Bus and have reached Hunter's Haven, look for a building in the southeastern part of the location. Head inside and go into the kitchen to find a box of produce on the counter.

We're going bananas over here.
We're going bananas over here.

Search the box and you'll get a few different items. In our case, it included a few bananas and a mushroom. Of the two types, only a banana is a fruit, so pick the fruit up and aim before throwing. Don't simply pull the right trigger or you'll eat it by accident.

The best part of this quest is you can actually throw the same item three times in order to complete it. Just toss it around the room a few times and you're all set for 20,000 XP.

For more challenges from this week, check out our Fortnite Season 5, Week 13 challenge guide. You can also check out a full guide on how to bathe in the purple pool at Steamy Stacks. We also have a guide for scanning a server at a Surface Hub.

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