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More Of Netflix's Tiger King Is On The Way

New content may see them broadening their scope on the world of big cats in captivity.


The filmmakers who made Tiger King are working on a follow-up to the surprise Netflix hit about big cat collector Joe Exotic--though new content may not entirely focus on Joe. According to a report by THR, the Tiger King filmmakers are now looking into the 2003 mauling of magician Roy Horn by a white tiger.

The Tiger King documentary set Netflix viewership records, according to Nielsen, so it's no wonder there would be demand for more--even after the follow-up episode hosted by Joel McHale. Follow-ups from other companies investigating the same bizarre world are in the works from other networks and production companies, but Eric Goode, creator of the original Tiger King show is working on something new under the same name.

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According to a call made to THR by a member of the Tiger King production team, work on a new episode is underway, with the aim to act as a balance for the parts of the original series that have been criticized for being too sensationalized. However a spokesperson for Goode Films when contacted by THR for comment said that it was "untrue that the direction is going in a more conversational route".

No matter what tone the new episode or episodes are going for, it looks like the filmmakers are researching the 2003 mauling that ended Siegfried and Roy's long-running Vegas show. Specifically, they appear to be trying to contact Chris Lawrence, Siegfried and Roy's tiger handler at the time of the incident, who has since talked to THR about what happened, and the PTSD he experienced as a result.

While none of the details are all too certain at this point, the one thing that it seems we can count on is more episodes of Tiger King in our future--and not just the dramatization starring Nicolas Cage.

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