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Dreams Will Stop Receiving Live Support In September

Media Molecule is also working on a new project.


Media Molecule announced it is ending live support for the game-making platform Dreams on September 1, 2023. The studio is also shifting priorities in order to work on a new project.

Additionally, there will no longer be any updates to the game or events including DreamsCom, All Hallows' Dreams, or the Impy Awards. However, players will still be able to play, create, and share Dreams with others after September. The toy train adventure game made inside Dreams, called Tren, as well as a final Create mode update, are still coming.

"We know this won't be an easy message for everyone to hear, and it's certainly not been an easy decision," explained Media Molecule in a statement. "Dreams has been a special project for Media Molecule and helping this burgeoning community of game developers, tinkerers, creatives, collaborators and dreamers grow and express themselves remains one of the best things we've ever done."

While Media Molecule isn't ready to reveal its next project, the studio confirmed that it is not a Dreams 2, or a new Dreams IP. After September 2023, Dreams can still be accessed, installed, and will continue to be purchasable. There are also no planned releases for Dreams on PS5 or PSVR2.

Dreams has been an impressive tool for creators to make their own games, such as Ancient Dangers: A Bat's Tale, and even animated series shows, like Noguchi's Bell.

In GameSpot's Dreams review, we said, "Dreams is a refined constructor for building a wide variety of games, and a community-centric showcase where others can play them. It's a stunning achievement that encourages limitless creative expression, a place where people can come together, collaborate, and explore each other's imaginations. It's a tool for the fools who dream, and one of the most innovative releases in years."

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