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Quack Quack: Disney+ Is Making A Mighty Ducks Show And In A Twist, The Ducks Are The Villains

Even the Mighty Ducks can be jerks.


Disney+ has ordered a 10-episode Mighty Ducks series and, somehow, the Ducks are the bad guys in this one. "You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." This must have been what Harvey Dent was talking about in The Dark Knight.

Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls) and Brady Noon (Good Boys) will star in the series as a mother and son who have been wronged by everyone's favorite hockey team. A description of the series from Disney+ reads, "In present-day Minnesota, the Mighty Ducks have evolved from scrappy underdogs to an ultra-competitive, powerhouse youth hockey team. After 12-year-old Evan (Noon) is unceremoniously cut from the Ducks, he and his mom Alex (Graham) set out to build their own ragtag team of misfits to challenge the cutthroat, win-at-all-costs culture of competitive youth sports."

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Coach Gordon Bombay (Emilio Estevez) is returning for the new series, but there is no word on if Charlie Conway (Joshua Jackson) will be back.

Revisiting the Mighty Ducks isn't the only bit of nostalgia Disney is delving into. It's also being reported that the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids sequel film starring Josh Gad has enlisted franchise star Rick Moranis to reprise his role as wacky scientist Wayne Szalinski.

The Mighty Ducks will begin production soon in Canada and is expected to debut later this year on Disney+.

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