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Colin Farrell Says He Has Some "Tasty" Scenes In The Batman

Farrell said he's excited to start filming again after production shut down due to COVID-19.


Actor Colin Farrell has shared a little more information about the upcoming Batman movie starring Robert Pattinson that shut down production recently due to COVID-19. In a recent interview with GMA, Farrell said The Batman feels "original and fun," adding that he's excited to return to filming.

Farrell, who plays Penguin in the film, set expectations for fans that his character isn't the focus of the movie. However, the Irish actor said Penguin is featured in some "tasty" scenes, which certainly gives us a lot to think about.

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"I had only started it and I can't wait to get back. The creation of it, the aesthetic of the character, has been fun and I really am so excited to get back and explore it," Farrell said (via Collider). "And I haven't got that much to do. I have a certain amount in the film. I am not all over it by any means. But there are a couple of some tasty scenes I have in it ... and I can't wait to get back."

Farrell added: "I totally feel like it is something that I have not had the opportunity to explore before. It feels original and fun. But I am only at the start of the journey so I can't wait to get back and really get into it."

Filming was underway on The Batman before the global pandemic. Images from the set showed off Pattinson in the Batsuit and the Batmobile. There is no word yet as to when filming will begin again. Local governments will decide when it is acceptable for large-scale productions like movies to start up.

In addition to Farrell and Pattinson, The Batman stars Andy Serkis as Alfred, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Paul Dano as The Riddler, and Jeffrey Wright as James Gordon. John Turturro plays Carmine Falcone, while Peter Sarsgaard is playing a character named Gil Colson. The movie is coming to theatres October 2021.

For more on The Batman, be sure to check out GQ's excellent interview with Pattinson where he talks about the movie and his awful pasta recipes.

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