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Christopher Meloni's Law & Order: SVU Spin-Off Delayed

Law & Order: Organizes Crimes, has been delayed until 2021.


Those of you excited about seeing Christopher Meloni finally return to the Law & Order franchise aren't going to like this. Law & Order: Organized Crime, the limited series that will see Meloni reprise his role as Elliot Stabler, has been delayed.

The news comes from GameSpot sister site TV Guide, which reports the project has been pushed back to sometime in 2021, instead of the planned 2020 release. It's possible this has something to do with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, given that most TV shows have yet to begin production again. Those that have are working with many new procedures and rules, as was revealed by the cast of The Goldbergs.

Organized Crimes centers around Stabler's return to the NYPD, as he heads up the city's organized crime division. However, according to a series description, "the city and police department have changed dramatically in the decade he's been away, and he must adapt to a criminal justice system in the midst of its own moment of reckoning. Throughout the series, we will follow Stabler's journey to find absolution and rebuild his life, while leading a new elite task force that is taking apart the city's most powerful criminal syndicates one by one."

In addition to organized Crimes, Meloni is also scheduled to appear once again on SVU. Originally, he was expected to reprise his role in the show's Season 22 premiere, before the debut of Organized Crimes. It remains to be seen if that plan will change now that the spin-off has been delayed.

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