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Call Of Duty's Season 4 BlackCell DLC Revealed, Has A New Type Of Finishing Move

Season 4's BlackCell DLC is out soon.


Call of Duty's next big season kicks off soon, and that means Activision is releasing another BlackCell DLC pack. The new BlackCell DLC for Season 4 once again delivers the goods, as it includes multiple new operators, weapon blueprints with special tracers and death effects, and an impressive-sounding new finishing move.

The finishing move is called "Identity Theft," and it does just that. This finishing move kills your foe and then copies and equips their skin to yours. This stays in effect until your next death. This is seemingly a brand-new type of finishing move that's never been seen in Call of Duty before. You can see the finishing move in action in the trailer below.

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Now Playing: Call of Duty: Warzone & Modern Warfare III Season 4 BlackCell Battle Pass Trailer

Of note, this new finishing move can only be equipped to Dupe or Copy, which are the two new operators included with the Season 4 BlackCell DLC.

"Draped in black, face unseen but for two glowing green eyes, the hooded specters Dupe (SpecGru) and Copy (KorTac) resemble petrified death. A black mist rises from their bodies, tubes of green fluid running up under their cowls. The Operators' unique power is revealed when using the Identity Theft' Finishing Move, temporarily granting them the look of their victims," reads a line from Activision's description.

The new BlackCell DLC Operators
The new BlackCell DLC Operators

Those who buy the BlackCell DLC or the regular Battle Pass will get a new Nautilus skin for Soap and the new Hammer operator. You can see these new offerings below.

The BlackCell DLC bundle also comes with the Ailed Caress BlackCell weapon blueprint for the Holger 556 assault rifle. This includes the Cellular Corruption tracers and the Necrosis death effects. Activision has not released any imagery or video of the death effects, but given the name--Necrosis--it sounds extreme.

Everyone who buys the BlackCell DLC gets all of this, plus 1,100 COD points and access to the exclusive BlackCell sector of the battle pass map for Season 4. There are extra rewards for BlackCell purchasers, including 12 operator skins and seven animated weapon blueprints.

Anyone who buys the BlackCell DLC after buying the standard battle pass will receive 1,100 COD points. BlackCell DLC bundles normally sell for around $30, and it's expected that will be the price this time.

Head to the Call of Duty blog to see a full rundown of everything that's in the new BlackCell DLC bundle and the Battle Pass for Season 4.

Season 4 begins May 29 in Modern Warfare III and Warzone. In addition to the new BlackCell content, it includes more multiplayer maps, guns, and brings back an iconic Call of Duty hero from the dead.

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