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Call Of Duty: Warzone Seemingly Teases Black Ops: Cold War With RCXD Easter Egg

It sure seems like Activision is teasing a return to the Black Ops series; see the images here.


The evidence that 2020's Call of Duty game is a Black Ops title continues to mount. It's now been discovered that the battle royale game Warzone was recently updated with another Black Ops easter egg.

In one of the map's buildings, an RCXD--which is a popular killstreak from the Black Ops series--can be clearly seen sitting on a table. You can check out some images in the embedded tweet below.

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Now Playing: COD: Warzone Bunker Locations And How To Open Them

This follows from the recent discovery that Warzone's Bunkers can now be opened, and at least one of them contains another Black Ops-related tease. Bunker 11 was discovered to contain a nuclear warhead. Sources told Video Games Chronicle that this very warhead will be used in the game to change the map and give it a Cold War theme as a tease for the new mainline release. Players have also discovered a Cold War-era spyplane in Warzone by glitching through walls.

After a reported development shakeup, Activision is reportedly planning to release a new Call of Duty game called Black Ops: Cold War in 2020 from developer Treyarch. Activision typically announces new Call of Duty games in May, but the global pandemic might have led to a change in plans for the publisher.

What is clear is that Activision will continue to release full-price mainline Call of Duty games in addition to ongoing support for the free-to-play battle royale game Warzone. Intriguingly, Infinity Ward's Taylor Kurosaki teased that Warzone will be the "throughline that connects all the various sub-franchises of Call of Duty."

"It's going to be really cool to see how the different sub-franchises sort of come in and out of focus, but Warzone will be the one constant," he said.

Keep checking back with GameSpot for all the latest on this year's new Call of Duty game, and also for more coverage of Modern Warfare and Warzone.

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