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Call Of Duty: Warzone Adding 200-Player Modes, Leaked Image Shows

200-player modes for Warzone and Plunder are coming sometime soon, it seems.


It appears the rumors are true: Call of Duty: Warzone is introducing a 200-player mode. Some free-to-play Warzone players recently discovered an image that shows references to three modes that have not been officially announced for the battle royale game.

The three modes include BR 200, Plunder 200, and BR Juggernaut. The Juggernaut mode was teased in the Season 4 roadmap, but the 200-player modes have never been confirmed. However, Infinity Ward said in an interview that a 200-player mode was coming, eventually.

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Currently, Warzone is capped at a maximum of 150 players per match. The titling of the rumored 200-player modes suggests they will include a 200-player variant of the regular Warzone mode and a 200-player version of the Plunder mode where you try to collect the most cash.

Warzone has constantly evolved since release, so new modes like these rumored ones would be no surprise. The latest new mode is Warzone Rumble, which pits two teams of 50 players each in a team deathmatch across a portion of the Versansk map. It's a frenetic, large-scale twist on team deathmatch, and it's a great way to train your sniping skills with players spread out and very long sightlines available to players.

Warzone and Modern Warfare recently kicked off Season 4, which introduced a new Operator, Captain Price, and a brand-new Battle Pass containing lots of extras that you can earn through gameplay or buy outright. For more, check out GameSpot's rundown of everything in the Season 4 Battle Pass.

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