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BioWare Launching Its New Action Franchise By April 2018 [UPDATE]

EA teases some details about the new BioWare game.


Update: Following EA's announcement today, BioWare's Aaryn Flynn has shared a bit more about the studio's upcoming game.

"There's much more to say in the coming months, but for now, I wanted to offer this additional background," he said on BioWare's blog. "In 2012, we began crafting a new universe full of new characters, stories, and gameplay. Our ambition is simple: Draw upon 20-plus years of development knowledge and lessons to create something fun and new for you to enjoy with your friends. There's nothing quite as exciting as building a new IP from scratch, and it will be even more thrilling for us to share more with you in the future."

The original story follows.

BioWare's previously confirmed new franchise will be out in the next 14 months, launching by April 2018, EA said today.

During a call with investors, EA CEO Andrew Wilson indicated the new game will be out by the end of the upcoming fiscal year, which runs through March 31, 2018. He only spoke of it at a high level, saying it features "new concepts" and could disrupt the action game space.

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"At the end of the fiscal year, our BioWare studio will be delivering an all-new IP, a clean-sheet design with new concepts, new gameplay mechanics, and new stories set in a unique new universe," Wilson said. "This game has the potential to fundamentally disrupt the way people think about an action title, bringing friends together to play in an exhilarating new way. We're very excited about the future of this new franchise and its ability to attract a large, global audience."

When pressed for further details during the Q&A portion of the call, Wilson described it as an action-adventure game, rather than an RPG, and suggest it will blend genres.

"What we're seeing more and more is genre-melding, which is great components of a number of different genres really kind of coming together into single games," he said. "And so when you think about this game, you should be thinking about the great RPG character development and storyline progression that BioWare is known for, but in a world of greater action and greater adventure, which is growing to be one of the larger categories in games."

He also confirmed it will be a wholly owned IP, meaning it isn't based on another company's franchise (as with, say, Star Wars Battlefront).

BioWare manager Aaryn Flynn previously spoke about an unannounced new IP from the studio, indicating it would be a while before any specifics were shared.

"We're not going to talk about it until we're confident about what it's going to be and everything," he said in November. "We've been doing reviews with [Wilson], and I think he likes it. So, knock on wood, we'll keep working on it and we'll keep doing it. Hopefully you'll hear more about that once [Mass Effect] Andromeda's done and we've satisfied fans with that game."

He continued, "You have to ask yourself, 'Do you want to do something that fiercly different or do you want to do something that's very recognizable?' 'Do you want to take something that you've done and put a spin on it, or do you want to wipe the slate clean and say what would we do in this.' And for us, what we said was we're BioWare, so we have a certain kind of game that we love making and we know our fans would love, so we started with that and that's a game that has as its heart stories and storytelling. So we decided we're going to stick with that. We're not just going to walk away from that. Once we agreed on that, everything started to fall into place."

Further specifics--including a name, settings, or platforms--remain unknown. As Flynn alluded to, don't expect to hear much more until after Andromeda's launch in March.

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that's great n all but where the hell is my multiplayer beta for ME4?

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@silversix_: yeah, because we sure can't wait for ME4 for it's multiplayer.

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@xMICHANGx: Cant wait either !! ME3 Multiplayer was better than the SP !!

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@xMICHANGx: We really can't. Shit on it all you want, but the game maintained a 10k+ population per day, on consoles at least, for years and boasted a very rewarding loot system and community events that gave the game tons of appeal. Had nowhere near the polish of Gears and EA's usual shitty quality controls messed things up a lot, but it was still fun collecting guns and tinkering with builds.

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@Barighm: rewarding loot system? oO

You mean crappy rng designed to piss you off and make you buy booster packs?

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@xMICHANGx: what are you trying to imply here? ME3's multiplayer was way better than its shitty campaign and the best horde mode around. So yes, a lot of people are excited for its multiplayer...

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I could be wrong, but I'm guessing he's implying that ME3 singleplayer sucked in part because to much time, effort and focus were given to the MP mode that, if you aren't a MP oriented gamer, was completely ignored.

For example, some of the time spent on that MP stuff could have been spent on making a functioning journal that updated properly from all of those crappy "walk by" fetch quests you randomly got assigned if you were in the vicinity of people talking about "if only someone would find this random piece of junk for us" and it got added to your side quest list.

Only once you found it the journal wouldn't tell you who you were supposed to return it to. Which kind of sucked since you were trying to get your war score up...only to find that it made no difference in the end anyway.

The SP campaign for ME3 was lazy in a hundred different ways ASIDE from the ending and for a franchise who made it's bones with SP, it does make you wonder how much the MP being added messed with a refined and complete single player experience.

Remember, this is when EA was openly bragging about how they would not greenlight ANY games that didn't have a MP component going forward.

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Edited By texasgoldrush

@BeefoTheBold: And ME2's single player is better? Or ME1's samey planet exploration? get real.

ME2's main plot sucks and makes no logical sense. Anyone defending ME2 while bashing ME3's ending is a hypocrite.

And the suicide mission is the most overrated mission in gaming with the worst final boss in a generation.

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Better than Call of Mass Effect? Yes. Miles better. Leagues better. Oceans better. Freaking galaxies better.

Gameplay in RPGs extends beyond simply how good the shooter aspect is. No doubt in the world that the shooter gameplay got progressively more advanced as the ME series went along. But the rest of the aspects got progressively weaker culminating, as an example, where you didn't even TALK to NPCs to get side quests assigned in ME3.

If you were just NEARBY when they were talking you got assigned a side quest. Just one example. Here's another:

The most important character in ME3 from a lore perspective, Jarvik "From Ashes" is locked away behind a DLC/preorder paywall.

To paraphrase your "hypocrite" comment, anyone defending ME3's singleplayer while bashing ME1 and ME2's is an idiot.

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@BeefoTheBold: You mean crate world that is ME2? You mean the lack of options in combat? Or the not so great enemy design? At least ME3 gave you more options and deadlier enemies.

And most of the major side quests in Mass Effect 3 do come out of character conversations, and many link to the main plot. In fact, Traynor gives you many, and many Citadel quests are given by NPCs you talk to, such as Aria. Only the galaxy search quests are given by NPCs you overhear. Clearly you didn't realize this when you typed your message.

And ME2, you play therapy dad or mom for the team instead of a commander on a mission. Also the main plot sucks.

But Javik is not important from a plot perspective. Yes, he adds to the game, but he isn't a plot driver.

The ME3 singleplayer is better overall and has the least filler.

Quit eating the member berries. ME1's world design was atrocious, and ME2's mission design was all over the place.

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You're welcome to your opinion. I'm not interested in re-litigating a discussion topic that the majority of the fanbase has already weighed in on: which is that ME3 is the worst of the series because corners are cut in every major part of the SP experience.

Feel free to have your own viewpoint because clearly nothing I can say will change it so I see no point in saying anything further.

Run along now skippy.

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@BeefoTheBold: And corners were not cut in ME1? ME2?

ME1 had cut and paste buildings and planets, notice in every sidequest takes place in three different building sets? Nevermind the Therum main mission is downright awful.

ME2 had a very weak story and the Horizon mission scene progression makes absolutely no sense. Don't forget about the mission to nowhere so the Collectors could kidnap your crew, or the fact that some squadmates were supposed to be selectable for early game missions. ME2 has a lot of dummied out content.

The majority of the fanbase actually thinks ME1 is the worst, and many skipped it. Plus, the fanbase isn't that smart anyway. they ignore ME2's flaws, and then whine about ME3 having the same flaws.

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@texasgoldrush: O please guys.. Do keep comparing the three games. GIEF popcorn while you are at it.

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@silversix_: There was something about a sign-up but that's all I've heard so far.

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@Barighm: yeah, i did that. game is coming out very soon and we haven't heard anything about the closed nor open beta. how are they supposed to fix/change things when its this close to release? probably another glorified demo, not a real beta like Nioh had.

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I don't want to say I'm an industry insider, but I've heard whispers of a Muppet action RPG

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@snugglebear: I would be strangely down for that.

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@luciferous: Statler and Waldorf are slow, but they have a synergy bonus and debuff all enemies with their insults.

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Edited By skippert

@snugglebear: I for one have always wanted to be green and have the ability to jump very high and far distances. I would be so good at convincing shopkeepers to give me a discount because of my annoying voice :D:D:D

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@skippert: Drinking all that power-up tea!

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@snugglebear: Cooked up by that strange pink lady with the rather large nose.

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