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Best Xbox Series X Games (May 2022)

Halo Infinite, Tunic, Forza Horizon 5, and many more games are must-plays on Xbox Series X.


The Xbox Series X|S has been out for more than a year and a half now, and the library has expanded to include a bunch of excellent games that take full advantage of the powerful hardware. And over the past few months, it has become significantly easier to find an Xbox Series X in stock--and the digital-only Series S has even been on sale a few times. If you recently picked up a Series X|S or are simply looking for more games to play, we've rounded up the best Xbox Series X games. Our list includes games designed with Series X in mind as well as older games that have received overhauls such as 4K visuals and smoother performance. Keep in mind that all of our picks can also be played on Xbox One, and we've listed the best Xbox games in alphabetical order.

Many of the games we've chosen are available on Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft's subscription-based service that gives you access to hundreds of games in addition to other perks. While the Series X boasts the best performance and visuals, the Series S also offers noticeable improvements and upscales to 4K.

Xbox Series X|S owners should also check out our roundups of the best Xbox One games and the best games on Xbox Game Pass, as every game on those lists is also playable on the new consoles. If you own other consoles, take a peek at our best PS5 games, best PS4 games, and best Nintendo Switch games guides too. And if you're considering signing up for Xbox Game Pass on your new console, new subscribers can get their first month of Ultimate for $1.

Editor's Note: Article updated on May 25, 2022

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