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Apex Legends Mobile's Regional Launch Delayed Due To "Current World Events"

Respawn announces it's delaying the regional launch due to "current world events."


Respawn Entertainment is delaying the launch of Apex Legends' mobile version until next week due to ongoing "current world events," which is most likely a reference to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The launch was supposed to take place today, February 28.

In a blog post, Respawn said the plan is to now launch Apex Legends Mobile on March 7 in select participating countries. These countries include Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, and Colombia.

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During the limited launch, the following Legends will be available: Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Wraith, Bangalore, Octane, Mirage, Pathfinder, and Caustic.

As for when Apex Legends Mobile will launch in more places, Respawn hasn't said yet. The studio will announce support for other regions after the testing phase in its initial markets.

You can help Ukrainians in need by donating to charity. We also have a roundup of how game developers are supporting the crisis in Ukraine.

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