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All Future Microsoft-Published Games Are Coming to Console and PC [UPDATE]

Microsoft clarifies it only meant the games it showed at E3.


Update: Microsoft's blog post has been updated to narrow the scope of what it promised will support Xbox Play Anywhere. It now states, "Every new title published from Microsoft Studios that we showed onstage at E3 this year will support Xbox Play Anywhere and will be easily accessible in the Windows Store." Limiting this to games shown at E3 suggests future Microsoft Studios games--say, Halo 6--won't necessarily come to PC.

Original Story: All future games published by Microsoft Studios will support Xbox Play Anywhere, meaning they will be available across console and PC.

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Now Playing: GS News Update: All Future Microsoft Games Are Coming to Both Xbox One and PC

Though it may not be much of a surprise, Microsoft confirmed this in a blog post detailing the new Anniversary update coming to Xbox One and PC. Here is the exact wording: "Every new title published from Microsoft Studios will support Xbox Play Anywhere and will be easily accessible in the Windows Store."

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Xbox Play Anywhere allows you to buy a game (digitally) on Xbox One and get the PC version free or vice versa. Additionally, your progress moves with you between platforms, including game saves and achievements. In addition to releasing PC games on the Windows Store, Xbox boss Phil Spencer recently pledged that Microsoft will put games on Steam again.

The feature, which was announced at E3 last month, kicks off in September this year with the launch of Mega Man designer Keiji Inafune's ReCore. Other 2016 games that make use of Xbox Play Anywhere include Forza Horizon 3 (September 27) and Gears of War 4 (October 11).

You can check out this post to see a rundown of all the Play Anywhere games announced so far.

Halo fans may be especially happy about this news, as it would seem to confirm that Halo 6 will come to PC. In September 2015, Halo franchise development director Frank O'Connor talked about Halo 6, or whatever it will be called, saying it's undergoing "serious, real planning." Later that year, O'Connor teased that Halo 6 could include split-screen co-op. 2015's Halo 5: Guardians did not include this, and the blowback was "huge," he said.

The Halo franchise is already making its way to PC. Microsoft will release Halo 5's free Forge tools on Windows 10, while 343 Industries studio head Josh Holmes teased that this is "just the beginning" for Halo's presence on PC.

In related news, Sony recently suggested it has no plans to introduce any kind of program that would unify PlayStation and PC games.

"I always hesitate to be drawn into discussions of someone else's strategy," PlayStation president Andrew House recently said. "I'm more than happy to talk about our own strategy. Yes, there was a big emphasis from the folks at Microsoft on Xbox and PC cross-play. It remains to be seen whether there is latent large consumer demand for that."

Do you plan to make use of Play Anywhere? Let us know in the comments below!

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If I had to make a guess...

They're all coming to PC, but not necessarily on the same day that they come to the XB1. I can kind of sympathize with MS on this. They are, admittedly, in an awkward spot. If all future Microsoft games are coming to PC in addition to XB1, then there's no real incentive for gamers who already have decent gaming PCs to buy an XB1 console.

On the other hand, they've made comments about their commitment to PC gaming so often that it's become a running joke.

So I'm guessing that they split the difference. Some of the most anticipated new Microsoft games will come first to the XB1 console and then after a period of 6-12 months will arrive on PC. That way, there's still an incentive for impatient gamers who really like Microsoft's games to buy an XB1 so they don't have to wait, but they don't look bad for consistently claiming to be committed to PC gaming without delivering.

I could be wrong, but it strikes me as an approach that would make sense.

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@BeefoTheBold: I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Phil said at e3 the games would release simultaneously. It would puss off PC gamers if they had to wait 6 months, which is not what they're trying to do.

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@BeefoTheBold: true, those with rigs no longer have a reason to also own an x1... BUT there are still many millions of gamers out there who are first and foremost console gamers. while microsoft's market share in the console space continues to diminish, their presence still warrants a dedicated console. microsoft just needs to stop competing with sony because they no longer have a chance at getting that market share back. it is just a change in priorities and expectations for microsoft going forward.

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@Xristophoros: No chance to get the market share back? I'm pretty sure Project Scorpio is designed for that exact purpose. All the devs and customers that have been swayed by the PS4's power will find themselves swaying again.

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@pspearman: it's always been about the games. the tech differences are icing on the cake. sony's exclusives (first party or 3rd party) are simply more anticipated and popular than microsoft's. halo and gears have their loyal fans, but nether of those franchises are as big as they were 8 years ago. microsoft does not have an answer to: uncharted, horizon, last guardian, gravity rush 2, gran turismo sport, detroit, spiderman, ratchet and clank, god of war, dreams, little big planet, tearaway, infamous, until dawn, bloodborne, nioh, yakuza, street fighter v, persona 5, nier 2 (and the plethora of other jrpg's on the way), etc... the big three - halo, gears and forza - worked for microsoft back on the 360, but they aren't enough anymore. microsoft needs to get some more exclusives if they want to stay in the game. some of their indie exclusives like ori and cuphead are great, but they have ways to go. like i said, the games will speak for themselves and attract the gamers. it's no wonder ps4 is far in the lead this gen.

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@Xristophoros: Do me a favor, while I agree Uncharted and I 'll even throw God of War in there but dont sit here sayingt MS doesnt have an answer for Horizon and The Last Guardian. Gran Turismo has been trounced by Forza years ago and Sport isnt going to be better. So all you have is Uncharted and God of War and if you ask me, God of War is the only game that cant be touched by anyone. Uncharted 4 sucked! It got BS reviews built on hype and that that. Sony will never make a capable shooter as Halo and Sony cant make a game comparable to Gears neither. So pretty much everything you said is your own opinion. Uncharted is Sonys unbeatable flagship game ( yet I disagree and think TLOU kills Uncharted), Halo is Microsoft unbeatable flagship game. Give me one game on PS in the same genre as Gears thats as good.??. So bottom line all this he said she said crap about games is all crap. Preference is key and Xbox exclusives still outsell PS flagship exclusives..

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@skiggy34: halo was a flagship back on the original xbox and to an extent on the 360. it no longer has the same presence as it once did due to the last couple games being "pretty good" at best. this might be due to fatigue or it might be due to better options out there these days in the fps space... whatever the case, halo is not enough to save microsoft like it did on the original xbox. if you like it, that is great... just saying, microsoft needs to branch out more with its first party ip.

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@Xristophoros: Out of all the games you mentioned only uncharted was released. PS4 owners are living out of promises, while Xbox owners are already playing many exclusives and will have many more by mid next years. How many released days can you give me out of your list? 50% if you are lucky. I think your love for the brand does not let you be objective at all.

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Edited By Xristophoros

@Aleperez75: only uncharted? you missed ratchet and clank, little big planet, tearaway, gravity rush (remastered), infamous, until dawn, bloodborne, street fighter v, etc? yes, they are all out now. also, i did say sony's games are more ANTICIPATED... that is where the upcoming games come in. suit yourself, i just made a point as to why sony is leading this cycle and why they will continue to lead, regardless of the hardware. games, they've got plenty and the general consensus is people like sony's properties.

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@Xristophoros: That's not true though, the first 2 years of the PS4's life was filled with mediocre or niche exclusives yet it still massively outperformed the X1 with it's superior lineup and that's purely down to 2 things, price and power.

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Edited By Xristophoros

@pspearman: people buy playstation because they know the games will be there... even if they weren't early on (like with any console launch), people know what they are buying with playstation. sony has earned itself a solid reputation since 1995 in this regard and gamers know it. what i am saying is, people purchase consoles not only on the current library of games, but also in anticipation of what is coming down the pipeline. if price matters as much as you say, then why hasn't the x1 picked up in sales and continues to be destroyed by ps4? (microsoft has had 3 or 4 price drops already and continues to undercut sony's list pice). so long as the price is reasonable and there are enough incentives to make a purchase, the better product will win. simple as that.

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@Xristophoros: Uh no people buy the PS4 because they heard they're friends had one lol.

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@Xristophoros: I hear you but if what you are saying was true people would still own more than one console. Waiting for PS games to come out is a nightmare. I bought my PS4 on launch day but all the games I thought I'd be getting that first year werent there. My Xbox One has provided me with tons of enjoyment and IMO the games are just as good. That's what makes these manufacturers so special. Each have their heavy hitters. You cant sit here as a PS fan and tell people who are either fans of both or Xbox fans that Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank are better than Halo and Gears. Ratchet and Clank?? Gravity Rush? Really? I can t believe you even said Gran Turismo! You think Gran Turismo is better than Forza?? Come on man. Dont try and prove a point if your a fanboy because no one will listen.

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@Xristophoros: The reason the X1 is still struggling is because of trends. People are buying a PS4 now because their friends own PS4s etc.

If the power of playstation is so great and people don't care about price, why was the 360 so successful?

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@pspearman: people do care about price... i said it needs to be reasonable. but lowest price does not always win as you are suggesting. ps4 can be $50+ more than x1 and that would not change a thing.

ps3 launch price was not reasonable. it was $200 more than it should have been which was well beyond the means of the average gamer. it crippled sony the first 2 years on the market.

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@BeefoTheBold: Considering it will be crossbuy and some games even crossplay I doubt there will be a delay. They don't care about pc or xbox version, they care about selling a copy. They know pc gamers won't buy an xbox to play a game few months in advance, hell pc gamers are used to wait and they have so much mods and games to play compared to console anyway to keep them busy. And xbox console gamers won't turn into pc gamers all of a sudden either just because a game is on pc.
Mark my word I believe they will release all first party around the same time for both. They win in the long run anyway.

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@kadaverhagga: I agree and this is another reason why I think MS is making this Scorpio so powerful. PC devs will easily be able to make the pc and scoprio versions so its a win win for everyone. I have a gaming rig but Im definitely getting a scorpio. I travel a lot and there's no way to cart my desktop around with me everywhere. Console yes

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@skiggy34: Yeah, odd choice though for travel gaming imo. I also travel alot but a laptop (that I need anyway for work) is alot easier to game on and not restricted to hotelroom or anywhere with a tv. I can use it on trains, planes or lobbies or wherever and is alot easier to bring and game on than a console not counting actual handheld gaming systems like 3DS.

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@BeefoTheBold: I'm not sure MS are interested in trying to sell PC gamer's a console anymore, I think their goal is make Xbox a service that sits on top of Windows 10 with the occasional dedicated hardware option. PC gamer's that buy these games will still be connected to Xbox live and using Xbox live features like party chat, achievements etc. so it doesn't really matter what hardware they choose to use.

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That also means that were they to make a new Age of Empires, it won't be exclusive on PC.

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xantufrog  Moderator

@R4gn4r0k: it's a nice idea, but will probably not be a great experience on console. I suppose they will go with Tropico-type console interface, which will get the job done. They may also encourage M&K controls on the Xbox for that title

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@R4gn4r0k: yeah well last one wasn't popular as they expected, so I highly doubt we will see Age of Empires any time soon.

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@MetaMods: How so? I still play AOE3 to this day and with mods it can be as good as its predecessors. You can bet there are a lot of people, including myself, still waiting for a sequel.

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@cboye18: was popular than AOE II? Please tell me that first

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@MetaMods: Age of Empires III, the last one in the main series was still really popular. Sold millions of copies and was very profitable.

Ensemble was closed because of MS' focus on Xbox and not knowing what to do with a RTS studio.

Age of Empires Online was created by Robot Entertainment and made a lot of uncessary changes to the series, which wasn't appreciated by fans, above all it was pay to win which means the multiplayer was dead on arrival.

Age of Empires Castle Siege doesn't even resemble classic AOE anymore.

Classic AOE is still very much alive. Shown by the popularity of the re-releases on Steam. People still often talk about this series. And the last entry was over ten years ago, that shows its power.

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@R4gn4r0k: was popular than AOE II? Please tell me that first

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@MetaMods: Is each Madden/Fifa/Battlefield/Call of Duty/Assassin's Creed more popular than the last ?

Nope, but still we see them every year.

You argument makes no sense. AOE II HD is still played to this very day. That game is based on AOE II which is over 15 years ago. And you keep coming up with arguments as to why they won't make a sequel...

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Edited By MetaMods

@R4gn4r0k: And your arguments is valid?

proof me?

Madden/FIFA of course you expect this every year cause stupid roster update, that worst valid point

Assassin Creed has no longer every year rotation, and you use Call Of Duty as your argument,,,,,,,,wow yeah lets pick "greatest game".

how you know they going make another AOE? You sound you sure they going make another one. Pleas even III sell as good as you think, in publisher eye probably not especially MS.

btw all those games you list has never been much better than pervious one, so I am not sure what is your point there. If you said GTA then I can said yes it was much better than pervious one and that why they are making it more

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@MetaMods: Why do you hate this series so much, dude ? What did it ever do to you ?

"were they to make a new Age of Empires"

Read this very carefully. I never claimed they are going to make a new Age of Empires.

I also clearly said Ensemble is dead. So stop putting words in my mouth.

Stop hating me and stop hating Age of Empires !

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