Armies of exigo... quite crappy

User Rating: 5.5 | Armies of Exigo PC
if you are considering a new rts game... make SURE you bunk this one... sure the graphics are gorgeous and the playing smooth but the game is like a copy paste of Warcraft 3 minus the good stuff... units are old-style (which is BAD) the standard meelee then ranged and then supporter and etc. etc. the story is highly cliche'... man fights beast then out of nowhere the fallen emerge... gameplay is slow and monotonous even online... if your ever find anyone to play with online... if your friends try to force you into this game...divert all of them to a better game... i fell victim to some friends... i showed them the truth now we focus on warcraft. Also the double map layer thing is nothing great adds more irritating micromanagement. on the sum total if u want something like warcraft 3... just continue playing Warcraft till the fourth game comes out or divert to other rts games like C&C, Warhammer and StarCraft (2nd game coming hopefully by 2008 :D)