Conspiracy, creepy, and creative

User Rating: 9.6 | Area 51 XBOX
Area 51 has been a government conspiracy since the cold war, and the game just makes it all look good. The graphics aren't as good as they could have been, but this thing makes up for it in gameplay and overall creativity. You play a Hazmat unit despached into Area 51 to clean up an alien virus outbreak. Over the course of the game, you will be forced from your teammates and become half mutant. The mutant form you can transform into has several advantages. Eveything in the environment moves slower, giving you a combat advantage if you're trying to get passed some fast moving or fast shooting enemies. However, you cannot use your guns in this form. When in human form, you wield your guns, and the guns in this game rock. There aren't a whole lot to choose from, but you'll have fun with every one of them. In fact, you can get dual shotguns and machine guns! Looks like Halo 2 has a rival. You basically spend the game shooting up aliens and mutants, some that may seem from the sci-fi movies, and doing exactly what's in the movies. The envirnment's are repetitive, but every FPS has them. The cut god they look awsome. They are just a pure example on how far technology has truely come. The controls are fluid and easy to control. You can even set the sensitivity and the way you target opponents. The multiplayer could have been more creative. The levels are mainly just places from the campein mode, but it is online for both PS2 and Xbox. Overall, Area 51 delivers a great sci-fi and FPS experience. If your a fan of the Alien movies, or science fiction for that matter, pick Area 51 up for either console.