I enjoy the game. It portrays the experience of the show in the comfort of your hands very accurately.

User Rating: 7.5 | Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? DS
I enjoy the game. It portrays the experience of the show in the comfort of your hands very accurately. Not much more you can do with a trivia game based on a tv show, Its not like you can "innovate" anything new into the game.
I bought it for my younger sister, and ended up playing the game with her on multiple occasions.

Some of the questions are extremely easy, but the higher up you get, the harder they become! Its embarrassingly difficult at times!

IGN mentions that host is crudely draw and animated, but in reality it isn't all that bad. In fact, they actually managed to get him to resemble his red neck self.

The score board, the trivia board, and the cheats board are all exact replicas of what you would see on the show.

All in all, good game hitting its target audience. (fans of the show)
Its kept my sister entertained for hours at a time, and she isn't a fan of any games besides The Sims2: Castaway.