I feel like the developers didn't even try...

User Rating: 3.5 | Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? (2007) PC
Let's get the good points of "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?" out of the way first. It has real questions (some off the show) and does have a challenge, and it is the host's actual voice... but that's about it.

Graphics: Ugh, why did they make it 3d? it might has well been a 2d animated style game with the graphics, the background looks good, but the 3d models of Jeff and the made up students are... not at all realistic looking, their movements are stiff (when they move) and are very blocky, there's not even an option to up the resolution, it's that bad.

Sound: Jeez, this can hardly even have a rating... Aside from the theme, the song when a question is on display, Jeff's voice, the lock in sound and the VERY Not often (thank goodness) poor kid voices, there is no sound to speak of.

Gameplay: It's Are you smarter than a fifth grader, so the gameplay, for the most part is intact, the problem occurs in the Million Dollar Question, the one question I had I knew the answer, they ask you to type it, but the detection seems to be you need perfect spelling, and enter it the way the game is programmed to recognize it, otherwise it doesn't count, cause I had the right answer (even checked to make sure online afterwards) and I think it's because I said "8th" instead of "eighth (or however it's spelled" that I got it wrong, I also noticed repetitive stuff, on that run through 3 of the topics were math, so the feel of the show was gone with that.

Overall: Buy the board or DVD games first, and play along with the show, at least there you don't feel dissapointed.