Awesome, great, amazing FREE fun!

User Rating: 8 | ArchLord PC
This is probably one of the best free MMORPGs I've ever played, and yes, I've played quite a few.

There is nothing that genuinely sets it apart from its genre mates. BUT it is just the way it is executed; the sounds, the audio, the visuals, everything is spectacular! I must also add: I'm a fantasy addict, so seeing some of my favorite mythological and fantastical creatures surely made the experience more fun!

And people who are so quick to compare it with other games of the genre, let's be honest. Is all MMORPGs not the same? Create a character, do quests, make friends, spend hours upon hours reaching maximum level and then storm the high level dungeons with fellow no-life-having online gamers. Get bored with the game, forget you have it. OO wait! Expansion!! Do it all again etc etc etc.

It is a vicious circle. So yes, in essence the aim of the game is the same as WoW, LOTRO and other free MMORPGs (who's names I will not give).

If you are looking to have some excellent fun FOR FREE!!! This is what I recommend. If you are looking to compare this game with other games in the genre, don't wast your time- Just stick to your prejudice mindset and play the game you know other games will never really be better than... in your opinion.

I, on the other hand, enjoyed this game far more than WoW.

What it all comes down to: game is free. You curious? Download it, play it, don't like, didn't cost you more than time. Liked it?? I'll be makind a noob Guild soon!