The best Arc the Lad yet! Great graphics, gameplay, and story. Fun game that lasts 30+ hours.

User Rating: 8.9 | Arc: Twilight of the Spirits PS2
I had a lot of fun playing this game. It has everything a great RPG should have.

Graphics are good and detailed. It has a large cast of playable characters, and they all have their own distinct look and abilities.

Gameplay is very good. It's a strategy RPG that instead of using a grid system to move and attack, it uses a sphere system.

Story is very interesting. It's the classic war and struggle between humans and beasts. But with some good twists.

This game is definitely recommendable to anyone who likes RPGs. You don't need to have played previous Arc the Lads to enjoy this, but if you have you will notice some of the trademark "Spirits" that Arc the Lad has offered.