A classic whose impact is still recognized today.

User Rating: 9.1 | Super Mario Kart SNES
Super Mario Kart is one of the greatest games to ever be realeased for the Super Nintendo. Simply put, it pioneered the extensive list of Mario sports games, most of which have been superb. Its use of 2D sprites in 3D evironments was certainly nothing new (see "Doom" and "Pole Position"), but Super Mario Kart used it to display familiar characters in familiar places. Also, the gameplay for SMK was fantastic. Not to mention that it was one of the first games to feature such great multiplayer as it did. SMK had a Battle mode. Both players start out with three balloons each attached to his or her vehicle. The first person to pop all three of his or her opponent's balloons--using the various weapons and items strewn across the four selectable maps--is named the winner. This was such a big hit that it has been included in each Mario Kart game ever since, and that's certainly a big deal, as every game in the series has been a hit. A solid recommendation.