One of my all time favourite PC games.. but my new PC (since Dec 2006) doesn't seem to like it :(

User Rating: 9.1 | Star Trek: Starfleet Command III PC
I'd been a bit of a fan of the STAR FLEET COMMAND games since I bought my first ever PC back in Summer 1999, and the demo of the original game off a magazine cover disk was one of the very first things to get installed on it.

My first PC was a bit of an old banger even then... originally equipped with a 75MHz Pentium1 processor, but later upgraded to a 233MHz one from EVERGREEN Technologies, but of course even that became a bit long in the tooth and come September/October 2002 I eventually admitted defeat and bought a more powerful 1.1GHz AMD Duron powered part-built jobbie off someone trading on EBAY as "Ginger6" so I could play some of the newer games I'd bought........ this "Star Trek: Star Fleet Command III" being one of the 3 games that prompted me to make the change (the other 2 being "Microsoft Train Sim" + "Sim City 3000".

I absolutely loved this game, finally fulfilling my long held desire to do battle with the Borg, and / or command a Klingon warship (complete with Cloaking device, etc).
Unfortuntely in December 2006 that PC fell victim to what I suspect was a motherboard failure, and had to rush into service a project PC I'd started in the summer but given up 'cos I couldn't get the damn thing to work properly..... when I did get the damn thing working (with the aid of a relative to finish the job off), I've no longer been able to play this game....
The new system =
Asrock ConroeXfire-eSATA2 motherboard
Intel Celeron D 356 3.33GHz Processor
GeIL 1GB (2x 512MB) PC5300 667MHz Value DDR2 RAM
Leadtek GeForce6200 Turbo Cache 256MB DDR graphics card
MS Windows XP Home SP2

Now even with the proper DirectX9 patch downloaded from Gamespot the flamin' thing won't work properly.... shows the intro. vids fine.... and the game menus / maps... but as soon as you click to go into a mission, the game shuts off completely... GRRRRR!

Looks like I'll never get to finish this game :(