Luigi's Mansion is great game for your first playthrough, after that you almost think about selling it...

User Rating: 7.2 | Luigi Mansion GC
Luigi's Mansion features spooky (lol) mansion and today, the star here ain't Mario but Luigi! This is Luigi's first game which is absolutely great fun. You get a vacuum with you will collect ghosts and stuff. Controls are superb. Graphics are, of course, little dated but they look amazing. Sounds are kinda cool, but sound effects are just from another Super Mario game. It's kinda annoying hearing those same sound effects all the time...
The game is short and has no replay value. This made this game truly bad, yoi get few extra exclusive stuff after game but they doens't save the replay value. I would recommend this for a retail. Don't buy this game, just rent it... But, lets move here...

Gameplay: Controls are superb and gameplay is awesome. Although the game is too short, it's great fun for your first playthrough

Graphics: Dated but they still look good

Sound: Cool music with same sound effects from other Mario games

Value: Too short with only few sidequests.

Tilt: Rent it, really. There ain't any reason for you to buy this game, as I did...

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