After I finished FFX, I was so eager to continue the story, and see what would happen next. Boy was I disapointed...

User Rating: 8.4 | Final Fantasy X-2 PS2
FFX-2 is the sequal to FFX that everybody was waiting for. Ah, yes. Finaly we could see what really happend to Tidus.

When FFX-2 came out, I imediatly went out and bought it. When I saw the begining, the first thing that poped up in my head was, "...Is that suposed to be Yuna??" Square Enix had turned the respected FF series into a game for girls high on fashion, and who like Charlies Angels.
Some good points for me were, the songs in it. I loved the song Real Emotion (sung by Koda Kumi). And 1,000 no kotoba (1,00 Words) was really pretty. It was also intresting to see Yuna and Rikku in rediculus outfits.

I think that FFX-2 is more about Lenne and Shuyin's story, not really focused on Yuna's.

The game was rushed, and the graphics were not as good as FFX. It was also so surprisingly easy to beat. The gameplay was short, but you were able to re-play the game, and try and find more secrets to increase your percentage, which was cool.

In my opinion, the game has it's good's and bad's, but it's pretty intresting. There are some suprising moments that, are unexpected. (not giving spoilers) But I do think Square could have done a better job.