Ape escape 2 is a platforming masterpiece! Editors choice

User Rating: 9 | Saru! Get You! 2 (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
The good:graphics are pretty good.voice acting has improved over the original.music score is masterful.fun minigames. more insane platforming,puzzles, and monkey catching.

the bad:over in 4 hours.some vehicle control problems. some gadgets arent that useful. pipochi can be useless sometimes.

Ape escape 2 was a favorite and went along with my memories of the original (unfortunately i rented this one.) but finally after years, i got my copy and got this to say.

Ape escape 2 is a platforming masterpiece!

your jimmy (a cousin to spike) who had to deliever pants to the monkeys, unfortunately he some how accidently deliverd the monkey helmets and specter is back to change the world.

basicly its another story of ape escape.though some new features come in to play. rotating the analog stick will cause jimmy to swing his net in a variety of directions and jumping seems less complicated. this adds a layer of excitement to the gameplay and overall better than the originals. though the same issues still haunt ape escape 2. controlling vehicles still can be a hassle.another issue (this is new) is that the little chimp that goes with you, pipochi, can be pretty useless .sure it can be pretty use ful but at times point out monkeys that you can obviously see and tell you what gadget to use on a puzzle when you know what to use already.a total no duh moment .but knowing you can forgive that for more platforming and monkey catching, who cares.problem is its too short.

Theres new gadgets. A magnet,a water gun, and a bannanarang. The rang can be used to attack enemies and attract monkeys, the magnet atracts certaint metal and the water gun is used for puzzles. but these gadgets arent useful. the magnet and water gun are only used for puzzles and the rang aiming is confusing and only great for getting unreachable monkeys.

the graphics in the original (remember not judged on age) were crude and didnt really push the limits of the system. But ape escape 2 looks pretty good for its age.(7 years is a long time) lightning effects look great and character models are average. all of this with a pretty stable frame rate.the only problem is that compared to ape escape 3 pre renderd cutscenes ape escape 2 pre cans look crude. it may not compete with other titles but ape escape 2 does have a great engine.

even the other problem with the original has been fixed, voice acting is pretty good for the most part (with jimmy sounding like ash from poke mon). the voices arent always on top but overall the cast for apescape 2 didnt do bad.

Ape escape 2 is just a total classic. sure it can have problems with control and sure it can be alittle humiliating. but if you didnt get the memo ( if in some way you didnt get the memo just look carefully at my score again)you most try or better yet buy ape escape 2. trust me, its worth it.