The Game is Busted.

User Rating: 2 | APB (All Points Bulletin) PC
The whole point of this game is Busting or Doing Crime in a party while the other party Stops you.(Cops and Robbers)In a so called living city.First things first this is a pay to play game like most mmos out there on the market there is no single player offline mode.If this game was a free download and $7.99 a month to play this would be fine but as it stands Its $50 an you get 10hrs of game time when its up you have to pay to play.These game is very shallow experiance to play an not much fun as I ll explaine.When you play the game you have three districts to play in 2 action 1 sociale.When you enter the Action zone you get a quest to do like capture a point ect ,Now this is were the game fails an becomes unbalanced because as you do more quests you get better gear (guns ect)but you will end up facing an going up against guys that way over geared then you are an as such one shoot you(no fun).This game would be good if it was pay$50 an no online fees but as it stands I wouldnt buy it until it improves.