If you like your sport games to be different then this is choice for you.

User Rating: 7.5 | Amped 3 X360
Amped 3 is the first in the series for me and really a rather strange buy. Knowing nothing of the prequals, i bought it thinking it was the most worthy sport's game for me to buy on my new Xbox 360 console.It exceeded those expectations in almost every way.

If your new to the series, then you probably won't get the sense of humour straight away. It is a snowboarding game but it uses retro elements in its storyline and likes to make fun of previous games but with there own set of strange characters(Final Fantasy VII to name one).The storyline is also pretty messy and hard to realise at first, meaning you may have to look over the cutscenes a couple of times to get it. Gamers will understand most of the in-jokes but casual players may not get this games sense of humour. With this, the game is really seperated from the different types of gamer.

Scenery in this game, is hard to come by with any other snowboarding game. The visual effects put into the snow, really stand out from any of the SSX games and even the facial animations have been spent sometime on, showing the beauty, or rather uglyness, of the characters.

The soundtrack you get in this game is hard to come by, with classic mix's of rock and roll or pop music. Although soundtrack isnt as important since you can listen to your own songs, it can really stand out for the non-live players.Voicework is unique in this game, and really useful to the games unique sense of humour.

Sounds and graphics are what this game does best and this sometimes sacrifices the gameplay which is at times sloppy as is it is too easily pulled off. Grinds are pulled of easily yet can be a mess and at times, cant be done even when you have done all the precautions. Another horrible thing about the game is when the mountains trap you, leaving you to get trapped. Like a fool you cant move out of there till you go back to the menu. Despite probelms, the sheer size and amount of mountains isnt a sore sight and can provide entertainment when you have the money to fix up the place with building points.

To call Amped 3 a long game can be an overstatement as well as an understatement. Like most games, Amped 3 ends quickly with its main story but has LOADS of sidequests to do which could take you weeks to finish.

Amped 3 is a game which depends on your taste. If you enjoy a rich storyline and can sacrafice the slightly boring gameplay then you will get enough out of this game. Now that im done im gonna curse the makers of this game for making fun of my favourite game ARGGGG!