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Halo Infinite Will Be At E3 2019, Which Is 100 Days Away

It's almost time.


Halo Infinite, the long-awaited follow-up to 2015's Halo 5: Guardians, will be at E3 2019. 343 Industries boss Bonnie Ross told IGN that the game director Chris Lee will discuss more details on the game at the big-time June show that is now just 100 days away. Little is known about what Lee will speak about, but Ross did confirm to IGN that one of the things he'll talk about is what the franchise's new SlipSpace engine is capable of from a technical standpoint.

Halo Infinite was announced at E3 2018 by way of a trailer not for the game, but for the new engine (watch it again in the video embed above). The trailer was grand, showcasing massive landscapes and gorgeous vistas. It was only a technical demonstration of what the game could be, and not necessarily what it will be.

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Now Playing: Yes, Halo Infinite Is Coming To Xbox One And PC - GS News Update

It's no surprise that the game will be at E3, and we're excited to finally learn more about what kind of game Halo Infinite actually is. Given the game has "Infinite" in the title, Microsoft seems to be going big. Ross also recently discussed how Halo 4's multiplayer struggled and Halo 5's story didn't resonate with everyone, so she's hoping that Halo Infinite can be the best of both worlds. Time will tell.

In February, noted Microsoft insider Brad Sams reported that Microsoft will announce two new Xbox consoles at E3 2019. The report also claims that Halo Infinite will be a launch title for the next wave of Xbox hardware; this is notable because it would be the first time since 2001's Halo: Combat Evolved that a Halo game would be a launch title for new Xbox hardware.

The report also claims Halo Infinite will have RPG mechanics of some kind. For its part, Microsoft is referring to Halo Infinite as a "spiritual reboot" of the series. There is also a report that claims Microsoft will release Halo Infinite's multiplayer and single-player separately.

Halo Infinite is in development for Xbox One and PC, and that's notable because fans have been calling for more Halo on PC for a very long time now.

E3 2019 takes place June 11-13, and as mentioned, it's now only 100 days away. What are you hoping to see from Halo Infinite at E3 this year? Let us know in the comments below!

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