Too janky

User Rating: 5 | American McGee's Alice PS3


- very interesting premise. I have a soft spot for psychological themed stuff

- the ending was satisfying

- a good variety of characters that had unique attributes

- areas with different atmospheres

- some very interesting visual concepts

- a good variety of weapons


- no targeting meant using anything that required aiming was annoying, especially on controller

- hit detection and geometry on platforms were not great, resulting in some unfair deaths

- the dragon boss design was pretty infuriating. There's no good way to dodge his fire breath attack. Had to cheese the AI to win the fight.

- no weapon wheel or stopping combat while cycling weapons made it annoying, cause there's too many to cycle through, and the cycling wasn't instant. Cycling to the 5th weapon can take up to 2-3 seconds, which means you can take a lot of damage.