AP does have it's share of bugs, but the strong story and voice acting helps keep it afloat.

User Rating: 7.5 | Alpha Protocol PS3
If a game like Fallout New Vegas can get a score of 8.5 and have game crashing and terrible design flaws, don't let Alpha Protocols more minor bugs prevent you from playing it.

To anyone using this review to gauge whether or not they should buy AP, let me help you by asking a simple question:

Do you prefer to "run and run"? or do you prefer the "stealth route"? If you prefer to run and gun, then no, I wouldn't buy AP, as the shooting mechanic is flawed and makes it difficult to do so. However if you prefer stealth, then read on.

AP's strongest attributes are the story, voice acting (main characters specifically) and the overall experience from the game. Albeit, AP isn't without it's flaws and is hardly a perfect game, I do see potential in future releases and the ambition behind AP is quite impressive. Everything you do throughout the game is interjected everywhere else. How successful or unsuccessful you were 4 missions ago, may reflect in dialog choices and outcomes with characters later in the game. Also, professionalism and non-professionalism is rewarded and punished respectively, enemies and allies are created through all of your choices and everything seems to tie pretty well with each other. Never do you get the feeling that you complete a mission and then characters just reiterate what you did in conversation. It's quite impressive seeing all your actions trickle down into all aspects of the game until the end.

AP is and isn't an RPG. Do you get to fully customize your character and really make him how you see fit? Not so much, but it is obvious when upgrading skills. From the very start, you won't be able to shoot an enemies left nostril from 400 yards away. Slowly you get better and better as anyone would and never are you caught with your pants down, wishing you had upgraded something else and now are stuck on a part in the game.

All in all, AP is meant for a stealth gamer. If Splinter Cell 1-3 was right up your alley, then I would definitely give AP a go... but if it's hardcore non stop gunporn you want, then you'll want to pass it up.

I'm truly disappointed with Gamespot's reviewing... overhyped bugged out trash can score 8+ yet games that actually DO something different, get punished for significantly more minor bugs and moderately dated graphics.

Do yourselves a favor, and read user reviews...