Boring and repetitive gameplay. No character creator? why?

User Rating: 2 | Agents of Mayhem PC

If your wondering if you'll like this game. Ask yourself if you'd like to go through the exact same dull looking underground compounds over, and over... and over.. and over again for 18 hours. If you want to do that, you should get this game.

Not exactly sure what they were thinking here, they created a boring unfinished game. And they have a really stupid leveling mechanic... you cap out at level 20, and whats even more stupid, by the time you max out your character, you feel weaker than you did when you first started this game because of the way the difficulty is set (its an adaptive difficulty which is so stupid since you cap out at level 20 so it comes to the point where the difficulty exceeds any improvement and becomes a painful grind to kill the weakest enemy that was easy to kill at level 1).

This leveling system is a joke, it reminds me of a game like Oblivion where you level and the enemy levels, making it meaningless, you never feel stronger. And one other failure it shares with Oblivion reminded me of the repetitive oblivion gates, but in this game its the generic underground lairs. 99% of the time result in you going below ground to a generic underground lair where you will fight boring, just boring awful enemies until the game decides you been punished enough and you get out to the surface.. only to repeat this non sense again.

The game is full of bugs as well, i had to restart missions several times from being stuck inside objects where i couldn't get out of. One point an enemy somehow got stuck inside a wall, and like all the junk objectives they say to kill all enemies... so gotta restart the whole junk mission an suffer through more. Performance is bad as well, i would get fps drops to 10-15fps in small areas when explosions would go off, and more complex areas would run fine usually, theres something broken in this game. I even had 4 crashes to desktop. Only other games with that many crashes are usually Bethesda titles. And the effects in this game are blinding, too big and serve no purpose but to block all your vision off and you can't see what your doing half the time in battle because of it.

Being a fan of Saints Row 3 and 4, i feel bad about trashing this game but I must vent my anger at it. Its bad, repetitive and boring. The god like feeling in Saints Row 4 where you could leap into the air as high as a building and blast to the ground and blast it to hell was great..... yet in this "super hero" game, your characters can barely jump off the ground. Mission selection is poorly handled as well... you will pick a mission, it'll make you drive somewhere... then, make you drive somewhere else once you start it. So you get to waste your time twice over each time you start a mission, and its clockwork... they do it every mission and its annoying to be run through this time wasting tactic just to listen to rambling chatter on a storyline you don't give two fucks about.

And why in hell did they not let you make a custom character, this would have made the game at least a bit better having that option. They created one of the most advanced character creators i've ever seen in any single player open world game in Saints row 3 and 4, yet in this game they stick you with useless premade characters which you don't even want to play with and the only decent one in the game is Daisy, the others die almost instantly in combat near the end of the game. Braddock was great up until 3/4 into the game when she max'd out and she became weak as hell also. Terrible balance in this game with how they capped the leveling off at 20 and made you feel weaker at the end of the game instead of stronger.

Gonna list the positives here since there are some. The audio is technically good, it worked on my realtek integrated motherboard sound, it had center speaker for voices, and proper side channels seemed to work great. The voice acting is mostly good and they had these actors reading this most garbage lines you could imagine and they still sounded alright which is impressive. And the city itself is bright and tall, and its unfortunate there is such poor controls and super powers in this game that prevent you from exploring it. At least when you load the game, it loads it fast, all 8 threads on my cpu were 100% to load the game as fast as possible which is nice to see a game use your cpu to make load times fast.

The people who made this game should never be allowed to make another. This is an insult to peoples time and money to make something like this.