The DS game that I play the most!

User Rating: 8.8 | Age of Empires: The Age of Kings DS
Having played Age of Empire games on the PC for years, I was really looking forward to this one and was not disappointed! I love strategy games and I have always hoped a decent one would come out on the DS or PSP. Yes, I know Advanced Wars is a good game, but honestly, it is not a realistic historical simulation ... And granted this is not completely realistic either, but is closer and much less whimsical. :)

The gameplay is fun and addicting, although the graphics and sound are merely average (but are not awful or anything). Age of Kings has a LOT of unlockables, including maps, different units and so on. There are TONS of different maps you can play on and I challenge you to get bored with this game (assuming you like this type of game in the first place)! But the thing I like the most: It is accessible, easy or difficult (depending on your game settings), and you can play huge protracted games or short ones (quick ones are like 20 -30 minutes, depending on the size map you choose and settings). And every time you win, you get points toward that next cool map or unit, under the unlockables!

Age of Kings is a great game for the DS and I highly recommend it! I travel on business a lot and it is awesome to have a great strategy game to play on the road. Besides, I can only stand to see Mario fall off a cliff (due to my incompetence) so many times. :) Age of Kings is a great game to play on the road for all of you strategy buffs and casual gamers! Go get it!