Great Gameplay, but random lock-ups take away from the gaming experience.

User Rating: 6 | Age of Empires: The Age of Kings DS
I've been playing Age of Empires for a couple of weeks and have been largely impressed. The tutorial mode is good and the user interface is solid. Since people have covered the positives in glowing detail, I'll delve into the the negatives a bit.

GIven the small real estate available, the interface is good. It would be nice to be able to zoom in a bit in order to get better control over your units. It would also be nice to be able to rotate the map.

My biggest gripe is the beta release quality. The game has locked up at least 10 times during play and about 3 times using the save and quit feature. Majesco's response to the latter problem is to save only, then power off. No solutions yet to the random lockup issue.

I'm pretty disappointed in the quality of this game. We can't exactly go out and patch the cart, now can we?

It appears that Majesco is going to have to do the right thing and replace the bad cards with more stable code.