AOE is a very addictive strategy game you would want to get.

User Rating: 9 | Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings PC
AOE is a HRTS game (historic real time strategy) where you command your troops, build your economy and complete your objectives like a traditional HRTS game. The graphics are just superb with trees, units, buildings, etc. But one problem is that the units and buildings will look like clones of each other. The campaign is pretty long, it will take you a long time depending what difficulty and how strategic you are. The sound is good too with the sound of swords clashing, rocks smashing, and arrows firing. When you click on a unit it will say something in the language of their faction or if you click on a building it will make some drum noise.

The multi player is fun supporting 2-8 and competitive trying to destroy everyone or build a wonder. There are a variety of game types like king of the hill, wonder race, genocide, etc. You can also play with AI opponents which are very smart and which is why the game is hard.

I really recommend people to play this RTS because it's just fun.