This is a great game

User Rating: 8.7 | Advent Rising PC
I usually agree with most of gamespot's ratings. Almost all the ratings agree with what i think of the game, but here, i totaly disagree. Advent Rising is one of the most entertaining games i have ever played. Sure, this game has shortcomings, but which game doesnt? All that matters to me is that this game had me hooked, from start to finish, and its one of the few games i have played where i was actually sorry to complete it. I have completed the game twice now, and loved every minute of it. I want more of this game. Hopefully, they will decide to complete the trilogy. Whatever people may say about this game, i would advice trying it out for yourself. The critics may say some bad things, but most gamers agree, Advent Rising is a really great game. I'm glad i played it, and i want to see the series completed.