A guy with weapons and powers.....what could you ask more?

User Rating: 9.6 | Advent Rising PC
Pluses: cool,engaging story;extremely cool powers;multiple outcomes (I think);it looks pretty good and isn't a system hog;cool characters;great sounds and stuff;

Minuses: no Multiplayer (allthough i don't blame them);suffers from movie lagging;few varieties of enemys;few varieties of weapons;it's short(i finished it in 6 hours!);many annoying bugs and little glitches(i once falled and catched the air)

Yeah so this is Advent Rising.I wanted to play this game for a long time,and I finaly got to play it.It was a great experiance with a great story great characters and superb gameplay with a few bugs of course but still it's a superb game and it's 100% fun especialy when you get powers.At the end of the game there is a very BIG cliff-hanger that a guy saves the leading character and it says on the screen "To be continued......" soo there must be a AR2 (Advent Rising 2) there must be!!!!!!!