Gamespot Review does not do Advent Rising justice!

User Rating: 9.6 | Advent Rising PC
First of all, I would like to say that I was utterly disappointed when I saw that Gamespot's stance was 6.3 on this title. There seem to be countless people comparing this masterpiece to Halo, which is impossible. Not only does AR boast a much better, involving and emotional storyline, but the gameplay and combat style are truly satisfying and unique.

Initially, I bumbled around a bit and couldn't quite figure out the scheme for the controls. It took me about a half-hour to really get a good feel for how the weapon system works, and I say its one of the most innovative and fluid combat systems ever devised for a game, end of story! The mouse wheel targeting is perfect, and greatly enhances your ability to switch targets on-the-fly while never taking your finger off the trigger. You can either wield dual weapons, or, later in the game, equip a mixture of weaponry and superhuman powers. Most weapons (human and alien) and powers also have alternate fire modes and can each be taken to higher levels of mastery providing enhancements, adding to the complexity of attacks you can execute and allows for customization of combat style. Also, any weapon an enemy drops, you can use. Halo doesnt have nothing on this! As you progress through the game, you'll find your character discovering new and increasingly powerful abilities to add to your arsenal, and make it possible to further customize how you fight. Should you find yourself without a weapon or low on ammo, you can resort to powers and hand-to-hand melee fighting.

At first things move somewhat slowly, but after the first half hour, I was completely hooked. It was like living an Orson Scott Card sci-fi novel, which says a lot. The character of Gideon Wyeth evolves so much in the span of this title. From a cocky and complacent military officer and pilot, to a man who has lost almost everything and has the responsibility of trying to save humankind from extinction, at the expense of all other considerations. You will experience hardship, death, personal loss, and a host of other emotions as you guide this unfortunate soul toward his destiny. This is one of the few games, if any, I have ever been emotionally attached to. The screenplay and scenario are set forth in such a way to actually make you care about what is happening to Gideon and his comrades, something most other games cant begin to touch!

Of utmost importance in a story-driven game is a great and well-implemented soundtrack. I am happy to say that Advent Rising delivers in this department as well. Every track seems to fit the environment, and the battle and boss fight music is terrific - sent chills down my spine the first time I heard it! Truly great material. Weapon sounds, voice acting, all the audio was very well implemented, and was never out of sync or felt misused/misplaced. Graphics:
This is the one area that could have used some improvement, however I feel it was their goal to present this title with a certain distinctive look that could only be accomplished with the art and animation style the developers chose. While it isnt great by, say, Doom 3 standards, it doesnt have to be. And every fan of a good author like OSC knows that somethings are better left to imagination. And while the graphics arent anything special, they dont undermine the game as a whole and are quite acceptable.

I love this game! I am so glad I picked it up online. I had browsed by it countless times, without giving it a second thought. But one day I decided to take a chance and see what kind of game this is - it was the best game purchase I have ever made and ever will make unless GlyphX finishes the trilogy! 6.3? I dont think so...