The story was what intrigued me. But Majesco just couldn't turn it into a decent game!

User Rating: 5.9 | Advent Rising XBOX
When i first heard about the game I was so excited. I mean the stuff they were promising was awesome, and this is one of the few games that stuck with their promises. The problem is they didn't do it right. The powers and weapons in the game were decent, but they've been done better. The Telekinesis power was better in Psi Ops and the weapons were better in Halo. The physics engine was amazing, but the frame rate brought this down alot. The flick targeting system was a stroke of genius! But they didn't polish it well. I don't know how many times I would target something, kill it, and then the camera would be stuck in an awkward angle, it was very frustrating. The story was good, the beginning of the game was awesome, but once the action started it all went to hell. The frame rate would drop probably to the low teens and if there were alot of enemies on screen at one time the frame rate would take a plunge. By the end of the story I couldn't help but notice how much it resembled the Halo series and the Chronicles of Riddick movie (which sucked by the way). The similarities between Halo and Advent Rising were overwhelming at some points it almost felt like I was playing a crappy spin off of Halo. From the enemies to the guns and vehicles, alot looked like Halo. The soundtrack was excellent, it really gave it that epic feel but the audio in general sucked. For some reason the audio would cut in and out and lower to where you could barely hear it. The voice acting was decent, don't expect no KOTOR. The levels are massive, probably four times bigger than a standard Halo level. The art of the game was nice but the shoddy framerate brought the graphics down. The cutscenes were very nice, but some of the cutscenes were from in game graphics which I didn't understand. The ending of the game just sucked it was a cliff hanger, but it wasn't even a good cliff hanger like Halo 2. The ending didn't make me want to play the sequel. Hopefully the next one will be better, if they make a next one. The whole point of this review is that Majesco should have kept the game for about five more months to polish it. They better release a patch for this game! P.S. This is the most technically flawed game I have ever played!